Never Too Late – Sale

on Lamplighter’s newest release
Hurry! Promotion ends 11:59 pm ET, April 4, 2013.
Regularly $19. Now $14!
Use Coupon Code: NEW2013 at checkout.
This is a story about the clash of two worlds–the intense struggle that occurs both within and without. Will the poor widow give her consent to turn her child over to the care of another? Can a hardened woman, who has everything this world has to offer, find truth through the innocence of a child? In this poignant story, Ella Rosa tenderly conveys a life-giving message for those who are seeking–that it is never too late to find God.

Common Core and Home Ed (Part 2)

Yesterday I posted Part 1 on Common Core with several links providing information on what it is and why it’s not good. But perhaps you think, We homeschool. This doesn’t affect us. While it may not (at this point) dictate that we have to comply with the Common Core Standards, that certainly doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect us. It surely does.

Aside from affecting us as free citizens and taxpayers, one of the primary ways this is already affecting us as home educators is in some homeschool curriculum being re-written to align with Common Core Standards. I have no fear that homeschoolers would not be able to complete the work required by these standards; as I understand them they are vague, dumbed down and set to produce non-free-thinkers. But even though we go far beyond them, they go another direction, and requirements in them would greatly change the way many of us homeschool if the time comes that we are expected to comply. We all need to fight this at the government level.

At the homeschool curriculum level we need to take a different approach. Although I am saddened to see some homeschool resource providers making changes to align with this detrimental government control, each is doing what they feel is best for their company. We should not be surprised to see companies that are not strictly homeschool providers adopting these standards. Those companies primarily supply government funded schools and would of course meet the standards necessary to sell their materials. For companies that do primarily provide to home educators, the degree to which they are changing things, their motivations, and probably many other factors vary. Our goal is not to come against these publishers, just against Common Core Standards.

As for Me & My House ministries and Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ resources, we will not change anything in our resources in order to align with Common Core or the directions it is leading. We have never been interested in aligning our own home education nor our company with government standards. In fact just the opposite, we seek to glorify only God and not follow man’s ways. When the ways of man clearly erode liberty (as Common Core does), we choose to not only not follow them, but also to speak up against them, to help others see their dangers.

We are pleased to see many other home education publishers taking a stand to not align with Common Core. If home education companies you buy from are making this stand, be sure to thank them for standing for liberty against further (especially national level) government control of education. (This does not mean that nothing in their resources fulfills CCS. It could co-incidently. It means they have not purposely or knowingly added to or changed their materials to align with CCS.)

If home education companies you buy from do make changes to align to CCS, please don’t make it your crusade to bad mouth them. Rather try to dialogue with them. Find out why they are doing so. Explain the dangers you see in doing so, and if you choose to no longer use their resources, explain to them why. Then move on and devote your energies to fighting Common Core at it’s root. Contacting your state and national government representatives.

If you don’t know where a company stands, ask them. Hopefully they will tell you that they have not and will not align. But if they have aligned or plan to, ask why. Or perhaps they don’t know much about CCS and its dangers. Be an educator. Everyone needs to know about this and be standing against it at the governmental level. Be a fighter at the government level, a gracious educator at the personal level.

We will personally shift from using any resources that purposely change to align with CCS. But since we don’t use standard curriculum or textbooks, I don’t foresee that need coming. Each of you must make your own decision as to what to continue to use.

I also urge you to become well informed on educational issues. Do not turn a blind eye. If you have not already seen the movie Indoctrination, I highly suggest that you do (or read the book). Also for a limited time, the Foundation for American Christian Education is providing, for free, their presentation on the History of Education. You will see that Common Core is not something new that spring out of nowhere. (We’ve found that this presentation works best with the Firefox browser. Some others don’t provide the audio.) And for further in-depth reading, any of John Gatto’s works: The Underground History of American Education (online), Dumbing Us Down, or Weapons of Mass Instruction (I haven’t read the last one yet.)



Common Core

If you haven’t heard of Common Core Standards, you probably haven’t been around education or the internet lately. Common Core Standards are just the steady progress of national governmental control of education, perpetual dumbing down, and creating cookie cutter cogs in a wheel. Our government seems to think that throwing lots more money at education, making it less independent and one-size-fits-all, and putting it in the jurisdiction of a national committee will solve the dismal decline of literacy in America (as if socialism has ever worked).

Even though CCS came to be in 2010, as with most current government programs full details still are not known. 45 states have chosen to align with standards that aren’t even fully set forth yet. (Remind you of other legislation? “Just pass it. You can read it and we can make it up later.”) States have opted in to get federal money (your and my tax money.) We are glad that our state is one of the handful that has not opted in.

If you aren’t well informed on Common Core Standards and don’t understand the problem with them, below are several links to helpful information. If you don’t think this affects home educators, stay tuned for Part 2.

As quoted in the post just before this one: “This notion that the children belong to the state, that their education must be provided for by the state … is inimical at every step to liberty.” ~ J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937)

Please educate yourself by reading/ watching the information at some of these links.

HSLDA – Common Core State Standards Initiative: Too Close to a National Curriculum
Many more links at the bottom of this article.

Glenn Beck – at Truth in American Education or at the Blaze  IS THE ‘COMMON CORE’ INITIATIVE DUMBING DOWN AMERICA’S STUDENTS?

Heritage Foundation –  A National Education Standards Exit Strategy for States or States Must Reject National Education Standards While There is Still Time

Stop Common Core –  video series What is Common Core?

Classical Conversations issued A Response to President Obama’s New State Standards for Education

My friend, Gina Glenn, has an entire Pinterest page devoted to Common Core articles links

Many other links (that I haven’t read all of) can be found in this blog article – Common Core Primer.


Whose Children Are They?

Many decades before Voddie Baucham said … [stay tuned for this one]

J. Gresham Machen noted at the beginning of compulsory education:


“This notion that the children belong to the state, that their education must be provided for by the state … is inimical at every step to liberty.”


Real BookS Learning

After I explained to our children today why we don’t read just 1 book or source in our studies, but rather several, I came across this quote.


“When you listen to and read one thinker, you become a clone… Two thinkers, you become confused… Ten thinkers, you’ll begin developing your own voice… Two or three hundred thinkers, you become wise.” – Tim Keller


Did you think I forgot my alphabet? No. This is our learning to Write curriculum.


Free Writing





This is the sequence of teaching we use, over the years, to teach handwriting, spelling, grammar and mechanics, and all the other writing skills, including edification and grace.




Quite the program , don’t you think? Try it.

Timeline Builder

You all know I’m a HUGE proponent of timelines. I have written 2 books on timelines–one including a pictorial timeline framework I designed, that we feel is the best way to build a timeline, and the other a book on how to make many different types of timelines, one that will be right for you. Timeline APPS are specialty of my friend Terri Johnson of Knowledge Quest.


We have loved the Wonders of Old pre-made timeline apps by Knowledge Quest, and now am really loving the new do-it-yourself timeline app they just released today, Timeline Builder. This app just made making a timeline easier. No wall space needed. No pictures to clip and tape. (Not that we’ll be giving up our wall one, but this will add some great benefits for another option, especially for more specialized timelines.) Our son and I just made a short one of his life, to test it out. How fun!

With Timeline Builder you can make your timelineS portable and take them with you. Yes! as many timelines as you’d like to make, with the information and time span you want on each one. Not only can you carry your timelines with you for you to look at. You can also share them with others through email, or your Photos app, or file sharing in iTunes for sharing with other Timeline Builder users.

Since you are custom building your timeline, you do need to provide the pictures for it. But it is quite simple to do. These can be pictures from your Photos app, or you can grab them from the internet and paste them in. There’s also a button to search Wikipedia and add public domain pics you find there.

You do also need to fill in each information space for each new event you add, or it won’t post the new event. This includes not only an event name and date, but also a “description.” (You can opt out of adding a picture.) The “date” is also quite particular, which is taking a bit of getting used to for me. You must have Month Day, Year Era (BC, AD, BCE, CE) ie. September 11, 2012 AD. If you don’t know the Month or Day, you have to just use Year Era. (You can’t just have Month without Day.) You also must completely spell out each month, no abbreviations or numbers. ie. You can’t put 9/11/2012 or Sept. 11, 2012 or September 2012 AD.

Timeline Builder adds your events along the timeline, just where they belong. Once you’ve added the  events, you can move the pictures around as you please, yet they remain anchored to the line where they belong. You can also resize pictures to emphasize specific ones. Double tapping an event will bring up its description. You can zoom in or out, to spread events out or bring them in closer, which is very helpful depending on how long of  a timespan you are covering and how many events you are adding. Background music can be listened to or muted. Not happy with your timeline? Edit events, or Delete events you decide to leave out, or even Delete the entire timeline if you choose. Moved your events into weird positions and you don’t like it? Click Snap to Vertical on each to line them back up perpendicular to the line.

This is a fun app that is also very helpful. The only thing better than using a timeline to learn history in context, is making your own timeline! Timeline Builder is easy to use and very versatile. You can make very nice looking timelines that you can save pictures of. I look forward to using this feature to print timelines and add them to our notebooks. We enjoy making a lot of “Closer Look” timelines for specific things, and Timeline Builder will be the perfect tool to make these quick, specialized timelines.

Watch the video below, if you want more information. Then pick up Timeline Builder for your iPad at the iTunes App Store for the introductory price of $3.99. (Will be $6.99) Be sure to leave a review if you purchase this app and enjoy it. Check out the Knowledge Quest website for an added bonus for those that purchase and review this app (for a limited time.)





ThanksGiving Time

Yes, it’s that time of year again. A special time of focusing on Thanks and Giving is just around the corner. I love Fall. I love the Fall Feasts. I love ThanksGiving. For me it’s a special season of honoring God for Who He is and what He’s done, including through our forefathers, as well as a time of digging into His Word on this topic, and reflecting on what He is working in me and my family.

A few years ago I pulled together ideas from our own Biblically principled studies of this topic, into a  study for YOU and YOUR family. It covers both the attitude of Gratitude and the Holiday of ThanksGiving – a study of God’s Word and a study of the Pilgrims, a study of the American holiday and a study of our lives of Thanks and Giving. The book is filled with plenty of ideas for your study. It’s laid out in an easy to use way, AND it is easy to use in the way that best suits YOUR time frame and depth desired. It also walks you down “R Road” of a Biblically principled study.

NOW would be a great time to start this study. Whether you want to do just a little bit here and there, along with your other studies, to get a good understanding before the holiday time, or if you’d prefer to really dig in and give this in-depth attention over the next several weeks. There’s plenty of optional activities recommended to keep you busy as long as you’d like.

Maybe it works best for you to just take a few days right before Thanksgiving to work on this. This works too! A Freedom & Simplicity™ ThanksGiving Study will work for you the way YOU want it to. It’s designed to fit YOU and be YOUR study.

There are a couple of resources listed in it that you may want to order – a good reason to get A Freedom & Simplicity™ ThanksGiving Study now. But you don’t have to buy anything to make this a complete study. The book includes many, many links to free resources you can use to complete the study – and some resources are even completely included in the Appendices of the book. A Freedom & Simplicity™ ThanksGiving Study comes to you as an ebook download, so you’ll have it in your possession within 24 hours of ordering and can get started reading through it and planning your study right away.

Check it out today – and while you’re there browse around our other Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ resources.

OR – Thank you for reading to the bottom of this post – Subscribers to Me & My House musings, our FREE Monthly Newsletter/e-zine can, for a limited time, get  A Freedom & Simplicity™ ThanksGiving Study at a super discount! If you’re already a subscriber to Me & My House musings, click on over to our secret page for subscribers. If you aren’t a subscriber yet, Subscribe Now, and you’ll get the link when you confirm your subscription.



Notebooking Pages Sale – Last Day

There’s still time to join the Notebooking Pages Treasury before the Sale is over – but today is the last day!

Join the Notebooking Pages Treasury now during their Back-2-School Fun Sale Event and receive access to thousands of printable notebooking pages as well as their new web-app, The Notebooking Publisher™, designed for creating, customizing, & completing your own notebooking pages! Daily prize drawing for all new and renewing members … and enter drawings for other prizes each day! Ten days only: August 1st – August 10th.

More info? Watch here.

Visit to learn more about their memberships
and their new web-app, The Notebooking Publisher™

Back 2 the Books

OK, I really hope you didn’t take a vacation from books, but in this sense I mean the bookwork type (“table time”) lessons that you do with your children. Although we “school” (or more precisely “learn”) year round, many follow the public school calendar in their homes, or at least take the summer months off and restart in the fall. (Although I notice that the ps keeps starting earlier and earlier every year. The summer “off” used to mean Memorial Day through Labor Day. And I truly believe those kids need let out of their “prison” walls for those 3 months. — Their words.) But enough rabbit trails–maybe. Point is many of you are heading back to the books (not back to school.) And —

It’s time for our Back 2 the Books Freedom & Simplicity™ Sale!

This is our BIGGEST BLOWOUT Sale of the Year! And–
We have several options in this Super Sale ~ Just for YOU!
Want to go to the Order Page now? 

Are you new to teaching every subject by Biblical principles and in family-friendly Freedom & Simplicity™, otherwise called Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™? Check out our Getting Started Bonus Combo below.

Do you already have the Foundational Freedom & Simplicity™ resources, and need some help going Beyond the Basics? Check out Beyond the Basics Bundle below.

Are you brand New to Home Education, or L.E.D. and need to get started NOW? Check out our newest resource, Quick Start to Freedom & Simplicity™ with Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ . This is so new it’s not even off the press yet. (But we’ll send you a preliminary copy now, and a final copy when the editing is fully completed.)

Many of you have already chosen what you plan to do this year, but some of you still aren’t quite sure. You know you need to change things up a bit. You need to foster a love for learning. You need to provide a truly Biblical, Christian education–not just tack Bible verses onto some subjects, or count disciples instead of apples.

You’re looking for Freedom & Simplicity™.

You’re looking for real family life, not school at home.

You’re looking for education that looks at all areas of life and learning through the lens of Scripture.

The Getting Started Combo is for YOU!

This Combo includes our key resources for understanding and starting Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™.

The first step to Biblical home education is for the parents to renew their minds to think Biblically about education and how that can look in the home. Freedom & Simplicity™ of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ ~ The Seminar will walk you through this, giving you the Big Picture from the Philosophy (the Why?), to Principles (the What?), to Practical Application (the How?).

The next step is to get a good understanding of the learning methods, the nitty-gritty on how to study this way. Freedom & Simplicity™ on R Road to Biblical Wisdom lays this out for you. It shows you how to study any topic in any subject by Biblical principles. These are simple, natural, family-friendly methods that use Biblical foundations and reasoning for excellence in learning.

To take it one step further, we include in the combo Freedom & Simplicity™ in HisStory, which will walk you through applying L.E.D. to a primary subject of study.

As a BONUS to our Getting Started Combo, I’m including the Foundational Journaling Forms you’ll want to get started. Redeeming the Time Journal ~ Favorite Forms includes: Spiritual Journey, for journaling your daily Bible reading, P.R.A.Y., a daily prayer journal, and Day-by-Day Book of Remembrance Journal, for journaling daily life and learning. 12 different designs to choose from, and other variations make this a very versatile set of forms you’ll use everyday.

This great Combo is an $80 value.
Order during our Back 2 the Books Freedom & Simplicity™ Sale 

(Sale has ended.)

Quick Start for Freedom & Simplicity™

Quick Start to Freedom & Simplicity™ through Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ is our newest and most helpful guide to those that want to start home educating through a Biblical perspective–yesterday! This guide contains a very succinct introduction to each of the subjects and our resource recommendations for your first year. Of course, you still need to go through the Seminar and internalize R Road (for renewing your mind and learning how to teach and learn) but this guide will help you get your books ordered and gathered so you can get started pronto.


Beyond the Basics

If you already have the Foundational resources in the Getting Started Bonus Combo, it’s time for you to branch out. What topic of study do you need a little more help in applying a Biblical Freedom & Simplicity™ study approach to?

Handwriting? See Freedom & Simplicity™ in Handwriting & Handwriting Practice Pages.

ThanksGiving – both the Holiday and the attitude of Gratitude? See Freedom & Simplicity™ ThanksGiving Study

Character need some help? Growing in Christ’s Image Journaling masters will help you remember  what you learn, so you can apply it. We even provide resources (some free!) that we enjoy using to help us study various godly character traits.

Vocabulary? See Freedom & Simplicity™ Study of  Vocabulary & English Roots

Poetry? See Freedom & Simplicity™ Poetry Study

Time to get a Timeline up? What kind? Freedom & Simplicity Timelines will help you choose between and learn to make 13 different types you can do yourself easily. Or go with our favorites, created specifically for Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™PIPEline of HisStory  foundational framework for walls, dividers, and a children’s book. PIPEline Book of Remembrance for a timeline in a book.

Geography? Study not only the country, but their spiritual condition and needs and Journal your findings in Praying Around the World, (includes study resources, including free ones.) Volumes 45, & 6-7 currently available. (Choose which Volumes if you order the “Green” Choose Your Own.)

Journaling help for the beginner or reluctant? Book of Remembrance Journaling Pages are specifically designed as all purpose journaling masters for the Biblically principled Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™.

Got a High School student? Freedom & Simplicity™ for High School: Planning, Documenting, Credits & Transcripts will help smooth that road.

Got a young beginner? See Sorting it Out and Pulling it Together

$130 value – Get the entire Freedom & Simplicity™ Beyond The Basics Bundle for Half Price.

Want to pick and choose? Mix and Match as many as you’d like.

Choose any 2 Red resources above for $15.

Choose any 2 Blue resources above for $10.

Choose any 3 Green resources above for $7.

(Sale has ended.)