A Biblical Approach to Handwriting Instruction
A Biblical Principles way to teach Handwriting? Really? Really! God and His Word are the Source of All we learn – even Handwriting.
Learning and Teaching Handwriting Biblically doesn’t mean you just use Scriptures for your Copywork. This L.E.D. Freedom & Simplicity™ Guide will help you find the Biblical foundation, principles and rudiments of Handwriting and even lead you through the application with instruction in both Manuscript and Cursive. Find Freedom & Simplicity™ in why we teach it, what we teach, and how we teach it!
Principled Handwriting instruction – From the introduction:“Who would have ever thought that there is a principled way to teach Handwriting? Not I. Oh, I know that everything comes from God, and should be taught based upon this, but I never thought I would delve into what principled teaching of Handwriting looks like. Perhaps you haven’t either. Then this study is for you. This guide does not cover the broader details relating to writing and English in general, only as applied to Handwriting.” – Teaches the foundations of Handwriting, and instruction in Manuscript and Cursive.
The only book you need to teach ALL ages – includes the foundations of Handwriting, and instruction in Manuscript and Cursive. Click for Free Sampler.
BONUS! Handwriting Journal Pages included with purchase. Over 50 Journaling forms to go along with Freedom & Simplicity™ in Handwriting.
$17.50 Special $15
Format: pdf ebook
Check out our Handwriting Practice Pages to complete this set.
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13 Types of Timelines & How to Make Them
HisStory is about Time. It’s about God working throughout time, to reveal His plan. Time shapes each event on earth into what it is. Being able to place events, ideas and lives into their correct time brings much understanding to His (God’s) Story. A timeline is a tool that helps us place those happenings.
In addition to great reasons for utilizing a timeline in your studies, there are many types of timelines, and ways you can design a timeline. In this Guidebook, I share both with you. But most of all I share with you how we have come to Freedom & Simplicity™ with Timelines. What tools are going to be the most effective and easiest to use for the task at hand, understanding the flow of all of HisStory? And how to we make them and use them?
In It’s About Time, we look at 13 different types of timelines, and directions for making and using them, and provide you with several options for timeline figures—many of them free!
This Freedom & Simplicity™ guide covers:
- The Purpose and Framework of Timelines
- The Pictorial Framework Timeline
- Timeline Figures
- The Timeline in a Book
- Journal (Notebook) Timeline Pages
- Timeline on a Board
- Timeline in a Box
- Other Timeline Formats
- Beyond the Timeline – the P.I.P.E. Book of Remembrance Journal
$4.95 – Special $3.00
Format: pdf ebook
Related resources: PIPEline of HisStory and PIPEline Book of Remembrance
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Color-coded Timeline Journal
See how HisStory all fits together as you journal your way through your studies, in your own personal timeline in a book.
Color-coded timeline journal to correspond with our PIPEline of HisStory™. 4 continuous lines span the 22″ page spreads, labeled from 4004 BC to 2030 AD with plenty of labeled pages for each time period. Journal the names/events and dates as you study them. “To scale” color-coded timeline page, labeled with Key reference points from the PIPEline of HisStory, for reference. Includes Creation page.
Great companion resource to Freedom & Simplicity™ in HisStory and PIPEline of HisStory™ or use with any HisStory study.
Permission to print one book for each member of your own immediate household.
$30.00 Special $20.00
Format: pdf ebook
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Pictorial Framework of HisStory for a Timeline
History is God’s Story, and it is best taught within a framework – seeing the Big Picture. Ruth Beechick says that this framework should be simple enough for a child to memorize – no more than about 12 items. The PIPEline of HisStory™ is a set of pictorial representations of major links on thePIPEline of HisStory™ to give your children this framework.
Use these with our Freedom & Simplicity™ in HisStory guide or any history program to give an outline of God’s Story throughout time. Easy to use! See a list of the links and a picture of the PIPEline of HisStory on a wall.
$10.00 Special $7.50
Format: pdf
Great companion resource to Freedom & Simplicity™ in HisStory and PIPEline Book of Remembrance. See PIPEline Book of Remembrance page for Combo price for all 3.
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A L.E.D. Guide to Learning & Teaching HisStory
Everything has a history and it is all His Story. HisStory is the backbone of our studies, and is taught as the story of God working His plan through individuals and nations.
This L.E.D. Freedom & Simplicity™ Guide will walk you step by step through the process of learning and teaching HisStory by Biblical Principles. These steps begin with the Biblical foundations, principles, and rudiments of HisStory, and move through the processes for studying and planning, to presenting and documenting the lessons. An overview of what to study is provided – time period divisions and content/ aspects within them, as well as suggested resources. (approx. 100 pages of rich information)
Learn how to plan, teach, and document a L.E.D. study of History.
Click for Free Sampler. See Table of Contents.
FREE BONUS! PIPEline Journal Pages – 10 reproducible Notebooking pages you’ll use over and over in your studies of HisStory.
$25.00 Special $20.00
Format: pdf ebook
Great companion resource to PIPEline of HisStory and PIPEline Book of Remembrance. See PIPEline Book of Remembrance page for Combo price for all 3.
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Although we teach “all of Life”, not compartmentalized subjects, to our children; we do need to, within our own minds, for the sake of “state” and other “official” records, sort it out into “subjects”. How do we do that? Or for those new to these methods, How do we pull it together for our children in the first place? This resource primarily for working with young children.
Format: pdf ebook
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Easy “Recordkeeping” for the Little Ones
This Master pack of 9 reproducible charts includes 3 types of charts, and 2-4 variations of each. Blank charts also included for your convenience. Print out which you need, when you need it.

The (Original) Refrigerator Charts and the My Daily Duties/ Responsibilities Charts are a basic, responsibility down the left side and days of the week across the top, type chart. The Refrigerator Charts have 6 basic categories of responsibilities. The Daily Duties/ Responsibilities Charts have 17, more specific duties. The other 2 files are Learning Maps – that is colorful, pictorial graphic organizers (mind-maps) of responsibilities. These are my favorites! We call them Books of Remembrance. Most of our Books of Remembrance are Journals we write, but these 2 are to help us remember our responsibilities. These 2 don’t have daily spaces to mark off. They are just a colorful reminder.
Format: pdf
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Favorite Forms includes Redeeming the Time Journal™ master forms for 3 areas of journaling: Spiritual Journey, P.R.A.Y., and Day-by-Day Book of Remembrance. There are 12 different designs for each form, in additions to other options, making this resource over 110 pages.
This set produces forms that will fit in a “half-sheet” size (5.5″ x 8.5″) binder, or you can have them spiral bound.
Spiritual Journey – presented in a simplified format of “R Road to Biblical Wisdom”, for journaling daily Bible reading – 12 designs, 2 pages each.
P.R.A.Y. – prayer journal pages reminding you to offer Praise and thanksgiving, Repent, Ask for your needs and those of others, and Yield your life to follow and obey God – 12 designs, 2 pages each.
Day-by-Day Book of Remembrance Journal – daily journal of life and learning – 12 designs, 3 formats for a week-at-a-glance on a 1 or 2 page spread.
Paper planners and Journals still have their place in our digital society. In fact the Redeeming the Time Journal™ combines the best of digital and print formats. We provide you with a digital file of master forms, and you create your own cutomized printed personal journal and master planner with them. With the digital forms on your computer, you can pick and choose which ones and how many of each to print out for your own needs. And you have many beautiful backgrounds and fonts to choose from. Choose your favorite or mix and match.
Format: pdf
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Have you ever attended a Homeschool Convention? Does just the thought of it overwhelm you? Have you attended and it did overwhelm you? Have you attended and had a grand time, but then got home and thought it didn’t accomplish what you had hoped?
No matter what your experience, or inexperience, you need Freedom & Simplicity™ for Homeschool Conventions to help you through the jungle out there. You’ll not only survive it, but succeed and enjoy it.
Another in our series of “Dirt Cheap” Freedom & Simplicity™ guides
$4.95 Special $3.00
available in pdf, Kindle and epub formats
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A “How to” Guide for Biblical Learning in Home Education
The Framework for L.E.D. ~
Our Methodology for Teaching and Learning
What does Biblically principled education look like? How does it differ from other methods? Can I really apply the same methods in everything we study? Does this really bring me and my children freedom? Can it really be applied in simplicity? How can natural, lifestyle methods produce an education of excellence?
These are questions I’m asked about the methodology of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™, and this Learning Guide answers them. Come along with us on R Road, and learn the R’s you can apply, simply, to learn anything you desire, from a Biblical perspective. Each R along the Road is a simple method that leads to excellence in learning, so we can grow in Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge and walk in liberty. Nearly 100 pages of detailed information and application tips.
Free Sample Chapter. Learning Map Outline.
$25 Special $20
Format: pdf ebook
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