A Biblical Principles Guide to Painless Poetry Study
Perhaps you feel poetry is just an “extra” that you don’t have time for. Poetry may require a little bit of effort to “squeeze it in”, but it can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of your language studies, as well as enrich your history studies. Poetry is an art of excellence. It is a use of language for both beauty and growth in our lives.
This guide will help find that beauty and growth as you incorporate Poetry Study into your home education with Freedom & Simplicity™, through quick and painless daily activities. As you become comfortable with Poetry, you can go Beyond the Basics adding further activities and building a Biblical foundation for your Poetry Studies when you have time.
Another in our series of “Dirt Cheap” Freedom & Simplicity™ guides
$4.95 Special $3.00
Format: pdf ebook
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A Biblical Principles Course
with Notebooking Pages
Words have meanings. And knowing the meanings of a wide variety of words and how to use them properly helps us communicate more precisely to others so they can understand us better. It also is a great help in learning more new words.
If you plan to go to college, a study of English Vocabulary is important. If you plan to converse with others effectively (and I hope you do) it is vital.
This Freedom & Simplicity™ resource provides the tools you need to effectively study Vocabulary, so you can effectively use it in communication. Follow the R Road process to reason through several types of word studies, and Journal these studies on the provided notebooking forms. Rather than a full list of words to study, this course gives you the tools to study any word! Why do Word Studies? Read here.
$10.00 Introductory Special $5.00
Format: pdf ebook
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Copywork pertaining to our current studies is our general method of practicing handwriting, but sometimes extra, focused practice is needed for some children. These Practice Pages fill that need. Plenty of practice, (along with reminders to observe the Rudiments,) in 2 sizes of manuscript and 1 of cursive, for the alphabet and sentences using every letter of the alphabet. Suggestions for use for a full year for all your students using Freedom & Simplicity™ in Handwriting, or any other italic handwriting program.
This is not meant to be a handwriting “curriculum” but rather fun, extra, basic practice, for those that have already learned letter formation and just need a little extra work on the Rudiments. Use it alongside Freedom & Simplicity™ in Handwriting (or other italic program) and Copywork, as needed. The introduction gives you suggestions for use. Click for sample Practice Page.
Format: pdf ebook
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A Biblical Approach to Handwriting Instruction
A Biblical Principles way to teach Handwriting? Really? Really! God and His Word are the Source of All we learn – even Handwriting.
Learning and Teaching Handwriting Biblically doesn’t mean you just use Scriptures for your Copywork. This L.E.D. Freedom & Simplicity™ Guide will help you find the Biblical foundation, principles and rudiments of Handwriting and even lead you through the application with instruction in both Manuscript and Cursive. Find Freedom & Simplicity™ in why we teach it, what we teach, and how we teach it!
Principled Handwriting instruction – From the introduction:“Who would have ever thought that there is a principled way to teach Handwriting? Not I. Oh, I know that everything comes from God, and should be taught based upon this, but I never thought I would delve into what principled teaching of Handwriting looks like. Perhaps you haven’t either. Then this study is for you. This guide does not cover the broader details relating to writing and English in general, only as applied to Handwriting.” – Teaches the foundations of Handwriting, and instruction in Manuscript and Cursive.
The only book you need to teach ALL ages – includes the foundations of Handwriting, and instruction in Manuscript and Cursive. Click for Free Sampler.
BONUS! Handwriting Journal Pages included with purchase. Over 50 Journaling forms to go along with Freedom & Simplicity™ in Handwriting.
$17.50 Special $15
Format: pdf ebook
Check out our Handwriting Practice Pages to complete this set.
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