Rabbits & Elephants

Today Jeff Myers had some great things to say about Passing the Baton – how small things can be more effective than large things, and mainly how we freeze when we see the impossibility of large things. Among the tips he gave was this:

Yet you can pass the small baton through everyday experiences by remembering a variet of the old speech-class dictum: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them.”

1. Tell them–explain your convictions
2. Take them–gain experience together
3. Talk to them–debrief the experience

Quote from Getting Ready to Lead Vol. 10 #18

In other words, (as I’d put it,) disciple through 4 Real Resources:

Real People

Real Ideas

Real Places

Real Experiences

Share your heart, as a Real Person in relationship with your child/student/other person.

Go somewhere, do something – act upon those things in your heart, with your child alongside you – at Real Places through Real Experiences.

Talk about the Real Ideas involved. What was gained from the Experience? How did it impact your child? What have they learned? How have they grown from it?

For Discipleship for Life!


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