The House that Wisdom Built

There are some factors in the education of a child that transcend all others. Because they are so basic and powerful, they eliminate the need for experts, expensive government programs, and extensive regulations. Sadly, they are factors largely ignored by our education systems in place today.

God has much to say about education, and as Kevin Swanson says in the article quoted above and below, it has mostly to do with “factors largely ignored by our education systems in place today”. Those key factors are faith and character. Although I say it just a tiny bit differently in Freedom & Simplicity™ of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ ~ The Seminar (and even use the house analogy), we’re both saying the same thing Scripture says, “Add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge.”

If education were a house, character would be the concrete foundation, the structure, the studs, and the drywall. Geography, geometry, and geology would be nothing but wallpaper. Of course it is the wallpaper that makes the house beautiful, attractive, and liveable. But if it were not for the structure, there would be nothing on which the wallpaper could hang! Geography, geometry, and geology cannot be the substance of education. If character, the substance of education, is missing then there is nothing upon which the rest of it can hang. The content of Proverbs deals primarily with the issues of faith and character.

Read the rest of Kevin’s article here.

Learn more about the House the Wisdom Built in the L.E.D. Seminar

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