Home Ed Conventions – Part 2

If you already have an “educational philosophy”, you may lean more toward the specialized conferences (such as the Charlotte Mason conference in Omaha, or our Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ ~ The Seminar) they encourage and assist you in your way. But general conventions, such as “State” conventions, (like the NCHEA Convention, in Lincoln), are good too, as they open the doors for greater thought, and different perspectives.

If you are new to looking at education through any perspective other than the world’s view that we grew up with, the State conventions just may be the right place for you to start, as they are more general. But do spend some time renewing your mind before going to a convention. The more we have developed our personal philosophy of education, (found God’s direction for our family’s education,) the easier it becomes to make those choices in a place where endless resources are calling “Buy Me!” When we sit at the Lord’s feet and get His direction for our family we will find that many things “out there” just don’t fit us. This makes them much easier to pass up when they (and all your friends) are calling “New! The best! Buy now! Just what you need!” It is so true that we should not buy until after we’ve gotten direction from the Lord.

Don’t feel you have to buy at the convention, especially if you haven’t had a chance to think it through. Just soak up information, that will help you make your decisions later. There are many conflicting voices out there calling for our attention. It is better to make a clear decision, even if it means missing out on the “no shipping” costs or “special deals” given at the convention. Even if you come home with “nothing” but ideas, convention will be worth it!

Tomorrow’s post will be on Tips for Shopping at Convention.


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