Home Ed Conventions – Part 1

It kind of amazes me how quickly home educators can go from the winter mid-year blahs, to excitement in planning for next year. This is the time of year when Home Education Conventions, Conferences, Retreats, Seminars, Workshops and Curriculum Fairs begin. And we begin perusing catalogs and websites more – and making lists.

Making choices as to what resources to buy isn’t nearly as limited as it was when we began teaching our children at home 22 years ago. Back then we could practically count on one hand what was available to home educators. Now, no one could count the options available. As those choices expand yearly – daily! – we could easily fall into being tossed about by every wind of new and great thing out there that “everybody’s” using.

Even though these changes can make Home Education Conventions not only really tempting places, but also very overwhelming places, I don’t think that means we should stay away from them. They are where we can get some of the best information we need to make right resource choices, as well as the help to deepen our philosophy, and improve our methodology of education. In fact, I think every mom (and dad too, if possible) needs to go every year to some type of homeschool retreat, convention, etc. for their own renewal and refreshment. We all need encouragement and support. Sometimes it can seem we’re isolated in our own world of home educating. We need to get out and see the “big picture” for a better perspective. God has given us such great mentors to help us along, we need to utilize the resources He’s provided for us. No homeschool home is an island. Don’t try to make yours one.

…. Continued tomorrow. And the rest of the week we’ll be talking about buying home ed resources, Shopping at Convention.


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