This pic has nothing to do with this post, but is only included for the Summer Splash BiblePrinciples Facebook Party 🙂
God’s Kingdom is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field. ~ Matt. 13:31
What is Biblical Principles education? I believe it can be summed up in one word, Foundations or Seed. It is about seeking that which lies under, supports, and from which all else is built upon.
It is more than just “teaching based upon the Bible”, although it certainly is that. Biblical Principles education is based solidly on Christianity, particularly as seen in the historical protestant faith beginning in the Reformation, that sought to restore the pure Christianity of the New Testament, that taught that the Law of Liberty begins in hearts submitted to God. It has as its foundation some core teachings of the Reformation, Sola Scriptura–God’s Word alone, and Soli Deo Gloria–for God’s glory alone. Biblical Principles education is a specific philosophy and methodology of teaching based upon the Bible for specific goals.
Foundational Goals
Some of the Foundational aspects of Biblical Principles education are in realizing that what is produced and seen externally begins internally. This is seen in some of its goals:
- to be self-governed under God, which requires a heart submitted to God.
- to reason Biblically, taking all of life and learning back to “what does the Scripture say” that applies to this.
- to think governmentally, determining not only who or what is vying for control, (while realizing that everything lies in the ultimate control of God Himself,) but also discerning what view of government is being promoted.
- to see life and learning from God’s perspective, that is in context of the Big Picture. This is wisdom.
Every effect has a cause, and these results are accomplished by seeking out the perspective, purpose and principles of what we are studying. These are the “seed that contains the whole” of our study, the basic elements from which all else (the details and facts) spring forth. These basic elements, Rudiments, are:
- seeking God and His purpose in everything learned–the Biblical origin, foundation and purpose of each subject and topic studied.
- seeking out the foundational principles of a study–seeing the Big Picture of the study, putting it in context–in both God’s Word and His Creation. I heard it said recently that we can really only study 2 things, God and His Creation. His Word is our Source, His Creation is our re-source. The Principles found will be both Universal (in context with its relationship to all things) and Unique (specific to the subject itself).
Relational Learning
From this “seed” of our study springs forth the entire study. From a foundation of wisdom, we gain understanding and knowledge. From seeing the study in the above context we are able to relate it to our own life (and other things in God’s Creation), learn from it, not just learn it. Then when we learn the facts and details unique to the study, we are learning them in proper context; the facts and details have meaning and relationship. We can look at them both in their universal and unique applications.
The Kingdom of God is like… Seeds
This is Kingdom Education. Have you ever noticed how God so often relates His Kingdom to a seed? (another message for another day) It is whole learning–wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, seeking God’s perspective, purpose and principles, in everything we read and research, so that it is understood in the context of Truth, so we can apply it to our own lives. When we apply God’s Word, in all areas of life, to our own lives, that is growth, true education. What is the final result of the growth of seeds? Reproducing more seed. This is seen in our recording our findings so we can both teach others, and build upon our own learning.
Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™
As you can tell, this is not just a curriculum, in the context of a daily plan and set of resources, you place before your child. It is a lifestyle of education that begins with you renewing your own mind, pressing toward those goals above for your own life. The education of your children is actually “seed reproduction”, planting in their lives from the harvest in our own. This is discipleship. Notice at the end of Matthew’s telling of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what we call the Great Commission, that Jesus told His disciples to make disciples, to reproduce themselves. Notice, the teachers were to first of all be students of Christ themselves. This is what I call Lifestyle Education through Discipleship.
In a Nutshell
To put it into one sentence I could say, Biblical Principles education is seeking God’s perspective, purpose, and principles in every area of life and learning, and applying them to my own life, and journaling all the rich treasures I find therein.
To hear a short clip from our Freedom & Simplicity™ of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ Seminar on how Principle Approach™ and L.E.D. fit together, click here.