PIPEline of HisStory


Pictorial Framework of HisStory for a Timeline

History is God’s Story, and it is best taught within a framework – seeing the Big Picture. Ruth Beechick says that this framework should be simple enough for a child to memorize – no more than about 12 items. The PIPEline of HisStory™ is a set of pictorial representations of major links on thePIPEline of HisStory™ to give your children this framework.

Use these with our Freedom & Simplicity™ in HisStory guide or any history program to give an outline of God’s Story throughout time. Easy to use! See a list of the links and a picture of the PIPEline of HisStory on a wall.

$10.00 Special $7.50
Format: pdf 

Great companion resource to Freedom & Simplicity™ in HisStory and PIPEline Book of Remembrance. See PIPEline Book of Remembrance page for Combo price for all 3.

If you’ve purchased and use this resource, leave a review in the comments below.

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One Response to PIPEline of HisStory

  1. Our Customers’ Comments & Reviews

    WOW! WOW! WOW!!!!!!
    I love how you have given an overview of PIPEline so simply!!!!
    I much prefer how you have emphasized what GOD is doing all throughout, rather than emphasizing America. I so appreciate growing up and living in America. We are truly blessed and I want to teach my sons why. But I love how all throughout the PIPEline, you have kept GOD’S purposes foremost in our minds!!!!!!!!!
    This is great! L.P.


    I LOVE the graphics for the timeline!!!!! (And even prefer how she describes the PIPEline, over COC). And the best part is, You can print it out and use it the same day!!!!

    I still have the FACE timeline, partially constructed from last year, that I never got up and used. 🙁 If you are like me and would rather use your time for studying, praying and preparing your lessons (over putting a timeline together), you will LOVE this!!!


    I LOVE these!!!!!!! Wow! So simple but so perfect!!!


    Hello, Lisa. I downloaded and printed the PIPEline without a problem. I love it!

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