Wonder Maps

WonderMaps are truly Wonderful! In just a few clicks I can bring up any map I want, at any level–and print it out, if I desire. I love the convenience.

The maps work in levels and layers. For example, I click on the picture of North America on the World Map, and I get a map of just North America. On it, I click on United States and a USA map pops up. On it I click on Nebraska. Once I get to the map I want (whether it be Nebraska, North America, USA, or World–or anything else) I can view or hide various layers of labeling and features. Say I want city locations shown, but not names. Or rivers, capital, State names (including those surrounding,) and much more depending on the map. I just hide or view exactly what I want, including color overlay, black and white overlay, or plain blank background. Once I have the exact map with the information I want, I can print it for the children to view or label.

In addition to maps for all over the World, WonderMaps also includes maps from whenever in the World. Historical maps for time periods and events help us with not only geography studies, but also our HisStory studies, as we see where things happened, where people traveled to, and who possessed what land when. These maps are also listed Thematically, to help you find them that way.

Tyler Hogen has done a great job, on a great interactive resource, that will be used much in our home. You can pick up your own copy at Bright Ideas Press. Thanks Tyler for the review copy of WonderMaps.

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