Why we weep

Christian parents, the suffering and death of Terri Schaivo has given us much to contemplate. Though it is sad that the concensus of our nation no longer values life, it is far worse that the people of God do not. The majority of “Evangelical Christians” evidently have no Biblical premises for their views of life, as evidenced by the supposed over half of evangelical Christians that felt Terri should be starved to death (according to a poll by “Time”). They have bought into the anti-Biblical, humanistic view that her life wasn’t worth living, and that starvation was an acceptable way to murder her, and that civil courts had the jurisdiction to enforce this murder.

It is only further evidence of what the Barna Research Group discovered, as “Beyond Belief” published in 2002, that a very low percentage of American’s that consider themselves “Evangelical Christians” actually believe what the Bible teaches, moral absolutes, and fewer still are insuring that their children are taught them.

Christian parents, we must take seriously our Biblical duty to instruct our children in the Word and the ways of God, as THE One True Way, THE Absolute Truth, the foundation for all their life, in every area. We must not let their instruction and doctrines of life come from the anti-God, and at odds with His Word, views of reletevistic humanists. God has commanded that we, parents instruct our children and our children’s children; we are commanded to instruct them all throughout every day, of all the mighty works and Words of God. Such a national tragedy as this, nor Roe v. Wade, would have ever happened if the Christian majority of this nation had lived and voted what their Bible, the Word of their God, teaches.


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