Who is Gramsci?

Excellent article by Richard Jones, from American Vision today. Here’s the last part. Be sure to read the whole article here.

"… What most Christian leaders don’t understand, however, nor does Barna, is how badly they’ve been blindsided by Antonio Gramsci, a man unknown to all but a few. A brilliant Marxist, Gramsci (1891–1937) saw that if his cause was to prevail globally it would be vital that young, pliable minds be molded with anti-Christian, Bible-defaming and pro-special interest worldviews. His insightful plot has slowly but steadily percolated up into the activist agendas of those on the God-hating left; those who, themselves, couldn’t even tell you who he is. But they have learned this: If they’re “given the child” during the formative years that child will be theirs forever. Which is exactly what they’re achieving. That’s what Falwell and Wildmon and the rest are up against today, and if fighting fire with fire on our part doesn’t immediately come to mind as a counter tactic, it should.

"The “deeper thing” needed that I referred to is this, and it relates to the near-automatic love of parents for children: The only realistic way to restore and re-implant Christian thought and action in a dying culture is for pulpits (and through them, the parents) to zero in on the minds of those not yet “Gramsci programmed.” … Unless the evangelistic “step one” of John 3:16 is supplemented by daily, lifelong doses of 2 Timothy 3:16–17, we’re going to lose. Not Christendom at large, but us, here, in the U.S."

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