Reasoning or Right Thinking

This kind of goes along with the Biblical Worldview article that I sent recently. I went to a Homeschool Convention this weekend and to a workshop by one of the speakers. It was on Real/Right Thinking (Reasoning). His primary point was that Real Thinking comes through the 3 Rs – and primarily spoke on Reading and ‘Riting. Reading EXCELLENT literature and learning to write properly. He talked a lot about writing essay type journaling. He focused on the forgotten art of Meditation (as described in Joshua 1:8 – as I closed with in the Worldview article). And also brought out that Pro. 9:10 literally says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is *discernment* (understanding). That’s what we are really talking about in “reasoning”, having good understanding or discernment, as I mentioned in quoting Heb. 5:14. We exercise our senses by *meditating* on His Word and His ways, to gain knowledge of what is Holy.

He talked much about NOT learning about the world through the world’s ways and that we are to be innocent concerning evil, yet not naive. (We are to know that evil is out there and how to discern it, but not details about it.) How to choose EXCELLENT literature – it always portrays evil as evil, never downplays or disregards it, and never gives gory details – just as God portrays it in the Bible. He pointed out (as I have in another article) that satan is the one who wanted Adam and Eve to have knowledge of good AND evil; that was never God’s intent. He only wanted them to partake of the Tree of Life. I.e. God doesn’t believe that “real life” consists of having “knowledge of good and evil.”

As I’m sure you can tell, I really enjoyed this workshop. It so fit in with L.E.D. It seems, that according to this speaker anyhow, we are on the right track for teaching our children “thinking skills” through developing a Biblical Worldview, and reading Excellent, Living Literature and learning to write well.

His recommendation for those wanting a “formal” logic course is “Logic” by Issac Watts (the hymn writer from centuries ago). He said it is the only one that he’s found truly based on the Biblical Worldview, and he (the speaker, Vic Storkle) has written a study guide to go with it. Watt’s also has a second book, and Storkle a second study guide to go with it, for even deeper study. Another person’s review that I have read on Watt’s “Logic” feels it is more philosophy than logic and is best used as an adult’s study of the history of logic. Having never studied the book, I can’t say – but for those wanting to pursue a formal logic course for their highschool students (or themselves), I’d recommend checking it out.


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