Our Journey THROUGH Home Ed

Yesterday I told you about our journey to home ed. Today I will share our journey through home ed.

As I said, we began that first little over a year with workbooks. Things were beginning to open up to home educators a bit, and previous school teachers turned home educators began writing curriculum and selling it to other home educators.

A friend I had known years ago began home educating, and I found a small support group beginning in our town. I also found a Unit Study curriculum which would have all my girls studying the same topics, and all the subjects would be integrated – and it was all planned out for you, and it was completely based on the Bible. We switched during that second year to packaged unit studies. That year went great. I was much happier with this “family-friendly” approach, but over time became less than thrilled with the “packaged” part.

One thing I didn’t tell you yesterday is my mom cried when I told her we were going to educate our girls at home. She cried saying, “You’ll never do it. They’ll grow up knowing nothing. I know you’re smart enough, but you won’t carry through.” I probably didn’t help matters when I said, “Oh, we’ll cook and call it math. Go to the store and call it social studies and a field trip.” Etc. That wasn’t my mother’s idea of “school” – and I was being somewhat facicious at the time. But, mothers know us best, huh? She knew that I am too free spirited to stick to the same tedious thing for long. But she under-estimated my full commitment to my convictions. Anyhow, back to our story.

Within the next year or two, the home education market was exploding. I began learning about different methods and approaches, and since tired of the packaged program that I was constantly changing, I set out to write our own -incorporating all the aspects of the different approaches I was learning about. But the fully integrated subjects, 12 year ideal family unit study program never came together for me.

I believe it was at a State Homeschool Convention that I first heard of the Principle Approach, in the early 90’s. I loved what it stood for. I studied it out. But its school application just seemed too stiff for me. I loved aspects of delight-directed – that I learned mostly from Gregg Harris. I loved aspects of Charlotte Mason – though I stuck mostly to the similar teachings of Ruth Beechick. I knew the only way for us was Discipleship, and centered on Scripture for a Bibical Worldview -that I learned mostly from Jonathan Lindvall and the Institute for Basic Life Principles/ATI. I dreamed of being able to join ATIA. But it wasn’t to be.

I began putting together our own Biblical philosophy and methodologies. gleaning from mainly those listed above. We left the textbook/workbook route early on, and weren’t going back. Another “not going back” was in our decision to home educate itself. As I heard other hs moms threaten their children to “send them back to school”, I knew it would never come out of my mouth. It was not an option, so it was not a threat. We would make this work. He who called us to it, would be faithful to equip us and complete it.

We began adding “non-traditional” educational resources to our home business, and changed its focus. Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ began not only taking shape in our home, but I began teaching it to others. Around this time I met Marilyn Howshall, through her works and then in phone discussions. We had many similarities in our approaches, though she was further along than I, and not exactly the same. One thing she had done, (that I didn’t think I had,) was apply the Principle Approach in a relaxed setting. I liked that.

Over the years we have tried “non-traditional” resources that lined up with our gleanings. Some were fairly good fits for the time. Most of the time I wrote our own curriculum, pulling in resources that fit. L.E.D. has grown up, as our children have. We are educating a whole different group now. Sometimes I feel like I pretty much know what I’m doing – going on our 20th year.

Part 3 – Our Journey through Alphabet Soup! : What do PA and CM have to do with LED? – tomorrow, Lord willing.


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