L.E.D. on My Heart

Just sharing a bit from my heart today. I have been slowly working on the new Freedom & Simplicity™ resources that are nearing completion, but having some struggles in staying focused on one, or even deciding which one I should be staying focused on completing first. That’s a problem for a writer.

In fact, I’ve had some stirring in my soul. Seeking rest. Sensing greater need to pull in closer to God and His Word. Seeking Him even more intensely than usual. I recognize the stirrings well enough to know that it is time to put aside the “things” I’m trying to figure out, and just seek God and His Kingdom. And He will add all things. That’s what I’ve had to do. I’ve wanted to complete resources, but won’t do it at the expense of seeking Him.

My Father is always faithful, and Sunday a.m. I awoke with fresh insight. I cried as I read His Word. I cried in the shower. I cried throughout church worship. I am in awe of our Creator, our Savior, our Master, my Abba. He is GOD! He is worthy, just because He is!

But my Heavenly Father goes beyond. He not only let me see HIM clearer. He not only drew me closer to Him. But He also gave me a greater insight and direction for Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ – which, at least in my case, nearly always goes back to the foundations He gave me long ago, and making sure I am staying on that path. Not trying to broaden it beyond its bounds to the left or to the right, which could, if taken too far, cause me to stray in a whole other direction. He keeps me headed where He has directed – in Freedom & Simplicity™.

I covet your prayers, as I prepare for my seminar session for Ultimate Homeschool Expo next week, and Freedom & Simplicity™ of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™ ~ The Seminar LIVE! 2008 in June, and in the completing of new L.E.D. Freedom & Simplicity™ resources. I continue on, renewed in faith that I am following the path that God would have for Lifestyle Education through Discipleship™. May God grant me grace to share that in clarity with those He desires to hear it.

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