
Do you have a few graduations coming up? Are you like us and you think, “We don’t know anyone this year who’s graduating,” but then the mailbox fills up with 3 or 4, or more invitations. I’m urged that, “This set of plates and cups would be a perfect gift, and what a great price,” or some other such thing. I’m tempted but…

I always come back to what I see as a perfect graduation gift – a gift for godly learning. Our top pick is the gift our oldest daughter received at a graduation dinner for the Youth Leaders, given by our church’s Regional Director (or something like that 🙂 It was America’s Providential History. It is the perfect gift for a home educated student with a Biblical Worldview to start their own library. But it is also the perfect gift for the government school student, who has no idea where God fits into History.
Along the way, I’ve thought of a few others that would be great library starters. Understanding the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis Petersen might be more enjoyed by the more scientific minded. And, is a good introduction for those who received their education in government schools, who have not done much study on Creation vs. Evolution.

For the student who received a good Biblical Worldview education through good learning methods, how about their own 1828 Dictionary. I know that is what our third daughter cherishes above all other books. Perhaps their own Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History and Christian History of the Constitution for a studious student.

For any Christian student, you couldn’t go wrong with their own Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, and perhaps instruction on How to Study the Bible by Chuck Missler (on tape, for on-the-go less-inclined-to-read recipients).
If the Foundations Are Destroyed is a good introduction to a Biblical view of Government. What the Bible is All About, Walk through the Bible by Chuck Missler and Learn the Bible in 24 Hours are good foundational Bible overviews. (The last 2 on tape/CD.)

Although I think books are ALWAYS the best gift 😉 there certainly isn’t a more appropriate time than that of celebrating their learning to give books to ALL your recipients.


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