Ebooks in Home Ed

Ebooks are rapidly infiltrating home education. This type of resource that was unknown just a few short years ago, is experiencing a huge growth spurt. Some home educators are thrilled with this new technology (especially when they come for FREE.) Some home educators are very leary of it, loving their paper books and not wanting them to be replaced. And many home educators (and the rest of society) are clueless. They aren’t really sure what exactly an ebook is, how to use them, or where to find them.

Putting the ‘E’ in Home E-ducation~Freedom & Simplicity™ Guide to Using Ebooks, the newest Freedom & Simplicity™ guide from Me & My House ministries, will walk you through the answers to those questions and many more.


… Lisa, have you looked at my computer?! I have e-books in so many places that I really need that free software you tell us about and I’ll be downloading it just as soon as I finish this review.

Like so many homeschool moms, I love to research and discovered many gems through the years that I planned to incorporate into our homeschooling. I’m still finding them, although our youngest is a rising junior in college. Sigh.

But YOU don’t have to do that. Lisa is offering her e-book for a limited time at a low introductory price. If you would like to do better at managing and organizing e-books more effectively so they can be incorporated into your homeschooling (and as Lisa pointed out, there are so many free classics!), you might just want to take a look. …

Excerpt from review by Dana Wilson of
Train up a Child Publishing, LLC

Pick up your copy of Putting the ‘E’ in Home E-ducation – available beginning today!
Only $3 


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