Copywork & Story Paper

Strange name for a post, but this is just an FYI.

Do any of you use the very wide ruled paper with the dashed mid-line for your beginning writers?

For very beginners, just needing lots of practice, the newsprint tablets you can buy cheaply work fine. However, when our kids begin doing copywork for their notebooks, I like a nicer (regular white, or even pretty colored) paper of the proper size. I have a font program (that is awsome, check it out) that has the “ruled lines” that I usually use to print out. But my program is down (and besides it only works on my PC not my Mac) [Update: it now works for Mac too!], so I looked online. I figured you all may not have a program like that, so here’s what I found.

At this site you can get pdf files of ruled paper with the dashed mid-line. You can set your own width, line weight, paper size, and line color.

This site only has .75 size ruled lines on standard 8.5 x 11 paper size. But they do have it set up in different ways (all pdf files also): vertical and horizontal both full page and with half page blank for drawing.

These meet our needs perfectly. Hope they’re helpful to you too.


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