Why Home Education?

Have you noticed I’ve been busy with my family? No posts for a long time. And just some thoughts today. I’ve been ruminating as I go over teaching notes for seminars and such.

Some things just don’t make logical, Biblical sense. A Christian’s primary purpose is to glorify God, right? Hopefully I have no arguments from any Christian on that. So, why would any Christian turn their children over to an institution that is completely God-less, to have their children taught and trained to, not only not glorify Him, but to not even acknowledge His existance, in everything they learn; to be taught that God (if He/it exists) is not important (let alone of utmost importance) to all the things that they teach them there, most of the day, most of the year, all of their formative years. To put God (if He exists) in a little box that is left out of learning.

What is this? That Christians would allow others to shape their children’s thinking to exclude God! He is the Source of everything. He should never be left out of any teaching. He must be included in everything we teach. He must be taught as Creator and Sustainer of everything – from Math, to History, to baby brothers. Any teaching that is not based on the “fear of the Lord” is neither wisdom, nor knowledge. He is the beginning of both. Without Him, right in the center of all, there can be no true learning.

I want to encourage you to press on. What we are doing is so important, especially in our post-modern, post-Christian society. Press on in teaching and training your grandchildren’s teachers. We have a home educator friend that used to say that all the time, that they were educating their grandchildren’s teachers. I like that. It gives us a Biblical multi-generational view. The Bible actually takes it another generation. We are to teach our children of God in everything they learn. We are to look with faith, down through the halls of the future and see our great-grandchildren being taught and trained to look at all of life and learning through God’s perspective, to know His ways and workings in all they learn. To build a family legacy of education for the Kingdom of God.


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