Chat with other Biblical home educators. Get some great free giveaways and enter to win door prizes from several different BiblePrinciples authors. We’ll also highlight some super articles on home educating by Bible Principles. Starting at 7 Central, (that’s 8 Eastern, 6 Mountain, and 5 Pacific time,) we’ll have an hour of FUN and fellowship. (You’ll have to bring your own food.) 🙂
Click on over to the BiblePrinciples Facebook Page and “Like” it to join the fun. (If you aren’t on Facebook yet, you will need to create your own account there first. So don’t delay.) Go “Like” the page now, then come back to the BiblePrinciples Facebook Page at 7 for the Party!!
Here’s the direct link:
And if you aren’t following our Lifestyle Education through Discipleship Page on Facebook yet, be sure to “Like” it too! We’ll be doing our own Facebook Party next month. Watch for details in our July Newsletter.