Freedom & Simplicity™ Framework – Part 3

This is Part 3, the last, of this series.

PART 3 – Freedom & Simplicity Framework

OK, let’s get to where the rubber meets that road. How does this theory apply? What would a study be composed of? Here’s a few ideas for incorporating the Pillars into a Freedom & Simplicity framework of Wisdom, Understanding, & Knowledge.

Let’s start with a Focus of The Fear of the Lord. I think this is a great Foundational Focus (and a good place to start your year), because through it you can lay the foundation for all the Pillars. There are MANY Scriptures to choose from for both your Foundational Scripture, and the direction of your Supporting Scriptures, giving you many possibilities for your Supporting Principles. How we integrate the Pillars will be determined by which of the Scriptures and Principles we’ve chosen. Let’s take a look at some possible directions.

How can we integrate Government? What does government based on the fear of God look like? We could cover Character traits of godly self-government. We could study what godly government of the home is. How about how a church should be run? A “nation under God”?

In HisStory we can look on the chain of HisStory at the lives of people who feared God – or people who didn’t. How about Nebechadnezzer, and the results of him not fearing God, then the change in his life? Or the Pilgrims? Or our Nation – our Constitution based on a people that feared God, and now lived under by people who don’t.

Creation. How does Creation illustrate the fear of the Lord? “Even the wind and waves obey Him.” You could take this anywhere! Or, “Go to the ant you sluggard.” Or perhaps THE original creation itself. Light be! Land be! Birds be!

In Economies we could look at the blessing of the Tithe. We could look at environmental care – stewardship based on godly fear, or corrupted to nature worship.

In Dominion? (taking it back to personal application) “Whatever things you do, do them heartily as unto the Lord.” Work ethic is a good place to start. Or what types of skills do you value? Or the content of those skills – what do you play, how do you draw if you fear the Lord? Are you taking Dominion to build your own kingdom or His?

I hope this has given you some fuel to get your fire started, and that you’re beginning to see how a Lifestyle Education through Discipleship can be built on Universal Principles and Freedom & Simplicity methods that instill Excellence, has a curriculum built upon Wisdom & the Word – through the 7 Pillars of Wisdom, yet is uniquely designed for just your family.


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