For Those Who Aren’t Home Educating

This is a rare post for those who are not home educating or providing distinctively Christian private education for their children.

As parents you have a tremendous responsibility to not just train your child in religious matters, relegating God to a “spiritual” box, but to show Him forth in every area of life and learning. Your children will spend nearly 15,000 hours, from K-12 being taught knowledge apart from God. You must teach them to see God aright in everything they learn. All truth is God’s truth and He must be glorified in it. He must be shown as Source and Sustainer of all things, even, and especially in your situation, in academic things where He has been consciously edited out of His own world.

This is not just countering “millions and billions of years ago” or “Heather has 2 Mommies”, but showing that 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 because GOD!… That South America has jungles and exotic wildlife and North America has rolling plains for man’s habitation because God… The importance of every word that we write, speak, read, or hear because God… That the Pilgrims came to America to not only have freedom in Christian religion, but to propogate it because God… And now America has no tolerance for distinctively Jesus-centered Christian religion outside the church walls because God – has given us over to our own devises. That George Washington wrestled in prayer and the Word to determine the justness of fighting a war against unlawful authority, and then was preserved by the Providential hand of God as his coat and hat were riddled with bullets because God… Of course I could go on and on, but I am not writing a Christian curriculum in one blog post. You must research and learn these purposes for yourselves. The answer is not just “because God”, but a Biblical, individual reason and purpose for each thing.

This all goes back to my one key message, that we as parents must first renew our own minds. We must know these things ourselves; these things must be in our hearts. We must see God as the Source and Sustainer of all things. We are to get Wisdom, the most important thing, which is seeing all of life from God’s perspective. We must relate all truth and knowledge back to Him and His purpose for it, which is to glorify Himself. The fear of the Lord is, and must be, the beginning of all knowledge.

And then we must, we are commanded to, diligently teach these things to our children. We must, we are commanded to, bring them up in the instruction and discipline of the Lord, seeing Him as Lord over all, not just all the big picture, but understanding Him as Lord over each and every detail. Oh for all our children, may they not only know God, but glorify Him as God in every detail of life, that their hearts not be darkened.


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