Continuing from the weekend. A third misconception about the fear of the Lord is a misapplication. Some (who don’t truly know God) would say that to teach the fear of the Lord makes God out to be a very mean ogre, just waiting for us to mess up so He can squash us. This is just the opposite of the Truth. God doesn’t not operate on revengeful whim. The fear of the Lord comforts us that God is faithful; He does not change. He doesn’t have a “bad day” or throw temper tantrums. He isn’t waiting for us to mess up, so He can pour out His wrath. The truth is, we have already messed up. And He, in His abundant mercy, is longsuffering in His awaiting for us to repent, so He can pour out His forgiveness.
A story was told yesterday, that I guess was suppose to be funny. I don’t know if the guy in the story was making a very bad joke or if he had really bad theology. But after a very bad day he said, “I think God is trying to kill me and keeps missing.” I guarentee, if God is “trying” to kill you, He does not miss!
That our consequences are not reaped immediately, does not prove that God winks at sin, or that we are getting away with it, and will not have to pay the consequences. It means that the goodness and mercy of God are allowing us time to repent before the consequences take effect.
Are you beginning to see how the fear of the Lord is the depths of the foundation we must lay for our children to build their life and learning on – for us to build our lives and learning on!?
Continued tomorrow, Lord willing.