A Capital Day

Our family traveled to our state capital over 200 miles and 3 hours away yesterday through a horrible winter storm. I must admit, if I was the one driving we wouldn’t have gone. I don’t do icy roads and high winds with blowing snow, especially when there are many cars and trucks littering the ditches, that didn’t make it through. So I’m really glad went with us, because it was for a great reason and we needed to be there. We met today for Legislative Day at the capital building with other home educating families.

In the early 1980’s home and church educators in our state went through many legal battles. Those battles led to a home education law that we can live with, for those with religious convictions. They acknowledge our exemption, that because of our religious convictions we can not place our children in a state accredited school. Many families spent much time at our state capital in those early days, being the voice of the people to their representatives, as our government is built upon. Several years ago a second law was passed, for those who do not have religious convictions, to “legally” home educate their children also. Although it still was, and always is, essential to maintain contact with our representatives and stay knowledgeable as to what is happening in legislature, there hasn’t been the need for us to fight for our parental rights in this area for a long time.

We now have a new generation of home educators – and some of us “old timers” still around. Some of that new generation are second generation home educators and going back now as adults, where before they’d been at their parents’ sides as children. Some are first gen home educators that have never seen first hand what it takes. Today we saw. A bill has been introduced that would greatly and adversely change our ability to legally home educate in Nebraska, and it was time once again to stand up for our parental educational rights.

Although there is an annual Legislative Day at the Capital for home educators, most years not as many of us from out-state are able to make it in. This year, in the midst of this winter storm, around 600 came out. Attendance was anticipated at around 1000, but obviously many were not able to make it because of the weather.  I believe our attendance is a great accomplishment when attendance at both public and parochial schools in our capital city today was 0. Yes, all the schools were closed, on this day that our children from across the state were in the state capital learning first hand about our legislative process.

In addition to touring the capital, and listening in on hearings, we were able to listen to several speeches by home-education-friendly senators and others in our state government, including our Governor. Many had already contacted many of our senators, and received positive responses – that would be negative to the bill. Several had told their constituents that they would not allow this bill to pass. This morning we also heard from our Governor that if the bill somehow passed and made it to his desk, he would veto it, but he didn’t think it would make it that far. He encouraged us to continue the education process – that of educating the Senators and the public about the faultiness of this bill, and to believe that through information this bill will be killed in committee and not make it to the legislative floor to waste time there.

We also were able to visit with our own Senator, introducing ourselves, asking his stance on the bill and informing him, if necessary. The day ended with lunch together and a few more short speeches by family ministries in our state – and for us a long trip back home, before work tonight, on much better roads. Two day’s time and motel, food, gas, and time-off-of-work money well spent – that we might continue to enjoy liberty in obeying God in the education of our children. All praise to God.

Colorado Christmas

Merry Christmas — from my brother.

My brother puts up incredible Christmas displays every year – growing to this year’s 75000 lights synced to music he plays over a low power fm radio station. Read more about it here.

Here WAS a video from last year.

It now says, “No longer available.” But it is, so try this link

Merry Christmas from Me and My House

It’s 4 days ‘fore Christmas and here at our house,
everyone’s bustling, thank God there’s no mouse.

No stockings, but garland is hanging so bright,
And outdoors the house is all trimmed with the lights.
Nativities cover each table and shelf,
No santa clause here, not one tiny elf.

The presents are piled so high on the bed,
The children are cranky, they must all need fed.
Then tackle those dozens of presents to wrap,
Then rock with the baby to give him a nap.

Mail grandmother’s gift that must travel so far.
Make gifts for the neighbors, something in a jar.
Let’s sew up some ponchos and not take a rest,
Then lounge pants for boys, and chaps and a vest.

Let’s have our friends over and exchange our toys.
That will bring smiles to both girls and boys.
And caroling we’ll go after dinner together,
We couldn’t have asked for much better weather.

Now haircuts to get and pictures to take,
the one in our card looks like a mistake.

Clean up the house, here you take the broom.
Sister is coming, clean out the guest room.
Please wash the sheets. Then vacuum the floor.
Can you get the phone, while I get the door?

The program is over, the children did great.
They each had a part and none came in late.
Joseph, who’s otherwise usually called Jed.
Played with the star, and poked Jesus in bed.

We’ll all go to church, communion to take,
Oh that reminds me, the bread I must bake.
We’ll take a nativity to sister’s grave.
And come home for cookies that our dear friends gave.

We’ll all go to grandpa’s, that is most of us.
Have dinner and presents, and relax – we must.
Then wake in the morning and open gifts here,
Mark actually has Christmas off for this year!

Then over to in-laws, more holiday cheer,
Then back home to crash before the New Year.

‘Though busy we are, it’s all for one cause,
To spread our God’s love, not play santa clause.

We love each one dearly, want to show everyone,
That God came to earth in the form of His Son.
To pay for our sins and bring to us new birth,
To make us like Him. We must honor His worth.

That babe in a manger, is King over all,
Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and then Paul.
He’s risen victorious, conquered death and the grave,
He made you and me, and is worthy of praise.

May all of your focus in this busy time,
Be upon the Lord Jesus, our God that’s Divine.
May all celebrations, so busy yet fun,
Bring glory to God, and bless God every one.

© Lisa @Me & My House 2007 All Rights Reserved

De Emoh to Home Ed

Today we are continuing the De Emoh post.

Perhaps you’ve never considered the thought that the curriculum you buy is based on somebody’s view of what education is and is to be – and that somebody isn’t you. Do you know what that somebody’s view is? Do you know what your view is? If you know your view and you know their view, and they match, you have a good match in curriculum and you are able to jump out of that whirlwind of constantly trying the “latest, greatest” and changing course every year, and able to get on with building a solid educational foundation.

That is where we begin to turn the trend from De Emoh to Home Ed. First we need to know just what education is. There are basically 2 views. Although there are so many variations in each, they can be deduced down to basic underlying beliefs in 2 categories.

These 2 views are many times called the Greek view and the Hebrew view. These views were around long before either the Greeks or the Hebrews though. They began in the Garden.  One is man-centered, the other God-centered. One seeks the knowledge of man, the other the wisdom of God.

If you are going to be a home educator, the first thing you need to do is be a learner yourself. “A student is not above his teacher.” You must be a student, to lead your students. Begin by studying out the Hebrew and the Greek ideas about education, and see if you can come up with the differences.

To be continued…


We Won!

I just received the most awesome news. Our family has won a week at Horn Creek Camp in Colorado for Little Bear Wheeler’s Outdoor Adventures Homeschool/Family Camp! This is a camp we have looked at in the past, but really was way out of our price league for our famiy of 8 at home.

When we registered for a free drawing at the Colorado home school converntion, we told the lady at the booth, “We’re going to win this one.” I don’t remember if they announced a winner at the conference or not, but now, nearly 3 months later, we knew we hadn’t won. And really hadn’t given it another thought for many, many weeks.

When I received the call this morning, on the other end of the phone, Robin told me that one of the winners was not able to make it – and our name keeps coming up.

has only 1 day of vacation left, so things will be a stretch on this end. But our God is so good and so awesome, and greatly to be praised. Rejoice with us!

The Library

Our library is begining to look like one. I don’t have any digital “before” pictures, but imagine walls with broken and missing plaster, oak floors with water damage and buckled, accoustic ceiling tiles with water damage and missing.

We aren’t completely done yet, some trim and doors yet to finish, but ceiling, walls and floors are done. Baseboards are up and the first of the bookcases are installed and loaded. Here’s a pic.

My Offering

I came across a quote tonight in Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections, in the Author’s Preface. It expresses just what I am endeavouring to do here.

I many times share 2 Corinthians 1:24, “Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand,” for that is truly my desire. But I like the way Edwards put this.

“My design is to contribute my mite, and use my best (however feeble) endeavours to this end” *”knowing clearly and distinctly what we ought to contend for.”

* – Statement is not in original order, however it is in context. “This end” refers back to the previous sentence (quote after *) in the original.

Does it Take a Brain to Blog?

What’s faster than a speeding bullet? Able to leap on the kitchen counter in a single bound? Wrecks more havoc than a tornado? It’s Elisha, the human wonder!

Who’s bound to be an electrician or electronics technician? His favorite playthings are anyone’s cell phone, my pda, and computers. If he can’t get to one of those you’ll find him “recharging his energy”. Where does he get his energy? You’ll find him licking electric sockets or putting batteries or electric cords in his mouth. This diet is supplemented with any spilled drink or chocolate on the floor, he can find to lick up.

Who’s little face is always turned up for a shower of kisses? And arms open for a load of hugs? Who giggles and giggles at “peak a boo” with his hands over his eyes, or tickles after a diaper change? It’s Elisha, the human wonder!

What does this have to do with my title question? If you haven’t noticed Elisha consumes both my body and brain. Elisha is 17 months now. And can exhaust one faster than hauling bricks. It’s hard to write when concentration is a currently non-available commodity. The brain is always divided between the work at hand, and “Where is Elisha? What’s he getting into?” The body is always ready to jump and run to save the day – well at least the laptop from hitting the floor, or supper, or – I forgot to mention, he likes to empty trash cans too – on to the floor!

Like is consumed with discipling Elisha. The other cihldren don’t know an uninterrupted lesson, or even sentence sometimes.

So, life is full – but not with writing right now. Life is full of LIFE! Doing what God created me for, to disiple – first of all the little ones He has put in our home. I don’t have a brain to Blog with, except when Eli’s sleeping – and usually then, I’m just too exhasuted.

The rest of you will live without my input into your lives, Elisha will not. So, my blogs and my email list are VERY slow right now, but that’s OK. I’m chasing a tornado and being lavished with his love.