in Memory of Terri

I just heard that Terri Schindler-Shaivo died this morning. Though of course, we didn’t know her personally, she profoundly touched our hearts and our lives. She taught us much about life, death, and the injustices of our nation – just how far it has fallen from its original intent.

Though we didn’t know her personally, God did. He created her in His image, with a divine purpose for her life, whether man valued it or not. It mattered not whether her husband or parents or courts felt they had the right to choose whether she was to live or die. Nor whether she herself would have not wanted to live. There is no such thing Biblically as the ‘right to die”. Though it is obvious that her parents would care for her, and her husband would not. True love is that which would lay down its own life for the life of another. It is obvious that her husband had long ago broken his vows to love and cherish and care for her, forsaking all others. But the world says, “He can love two women.” By killing one and committing adultary with the other. The sanctity of that marriage was thrown away many years ago.

What is not obvious to the world, and sadly not obvious to all that proclaim to be the church of God, is that all life has intrinsic value, not based on its mental or physical capabilities, but just because it is human life, created in the image of God. That what makes us “human” is not our “self-awareness”, nor level of brain function, but the fact that we have a living eternal soul, made in the image of God. What is no longer evident in our country is that civil government is ordained by God for two purposes (and it is God who ordained it), to protect life and property of its citizens, and to punish evil doers. It obviously is doing neither in this case. Terri’s suffering and death have amplified the message that our government no longer operates on the checks and balances provided for by the Constitution in our government of three branches, two of them made up of elected officials, so that the tyranny of an oppressive oligarchy, such as our judicial system has become, would never have this power it has taken to itself.

It is a travesty that not only was an innocent woman sentenced to the death penalty, because some deemed her life “not worth living”, but that she was sentenced to a cruel torturous prolonged murder, a method of killing that has people in our country sitting in jail for inflicting it upon animals. It is a travesty that the medical community, that swears to “do no harm” has murdered this innocent woman. It is a abomination that our civil government, that is to protect life and liberty, ordered the murder of an innocent one, while those that are Biblically required to receive the death penalty, will be protected from it by that same government.

God help us as a nation. May we repent for the sins of our nation, committed against the Almighty God and His Word, against the innocent, against those that are unable to speak for themselves. Their blood, that of those incapacitated and those yet unborn, cries out for justice, to a Higher Court than that of our nation, to the Just Court of God, who will judge all in His timing.

Our only prayer now can be that Terri’s death will not be in vain. That she will be as a seed, planted dead in the ground, that brings forth new life. That multiplies its effect for Life a hundred-fold. Our hope is that Terri is no longer suffering, but found her way to the Savior’s arms. Our grief mourns for both Terri and for our nation. Our condolences go out to her parents and siblings, and other family and friends who loved her, and knew her as we never could.


Puzzled About Home Education?

Puzzled about Home Education?

Imagine a pile of puzzle pieces all scattered on the table. Do they all fit together? Do they all make one picture? Perhaps if we squish and bend these random pieces from different puzzles, we can make them all fit into one picture. We all know that isn’t the way to put a puzzle together. The way we put together a puzzle is to look at the completed picture first. To study what it is supposed to look like. We throw out the pieces that belong, that don’t fit, and are designed to make a different picture. Then we can spend our time knowing we are working with the right pieces to make the picture we want to see. First we build the frame, then we gather all the various sections together, the blue pieces for the sky here, the green for the grass there, and the brown for the trees there. All the while we are looking at the Big Picture on the box, as we start fitting in the individual pieces, and locking them together, to create an image after the Big Picture given to us by the Creator of the Puzzle.

Many Christian parents try to put together their children’s education in the same backwards way as building a puzzle by randomly choosing pieces and trying to force them together to form some sort of picture. Then they wonder why it is so frustrating. But God’s Word never tells us Knowledge is the most important thing, the thing we start with. In fact, it tells us, “Knowledge puffs up”. God tells us, “Wisdom is the Principal thing.” He tells us to seek diligently for it. It is to be our foundation. And He gives us this model in Proverbs 24 to build by. In Lifestyle Education through Discipleship we follow this model, beginning by developing a Biblical Philosophy of Education. Then we add methods of Freedom & Simplicity that fit within that framework and are family-friendly. From there we apply these to develop a personalized curriculum, built on Wisdom’s 7 Pillars, as we are LED by the Holy Spirit.

To develop that personalized curriculum for your family, you will follow these same steps we teach you. You will seek God and His Word to see the Big Picture and build a framework of the Biblical Principles, then you will study them through the Freedom & Simplicity methods, as you apply them to the Knowledge of God’s HisStory throughout all Creation.

We’d love to be a “helper of your joy” for you and your friends in these ways of Proverbs 24:3-4. On May 21st we will be holding our Freedom & Simplicity of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship seminar in North Platte, NE. We invite you to join us.

Teaching Civil Government

We’ve done it. Finally! We’ve completed (for now, this aspect of) our study of Civil Government. It’s been a pretty drawn out study, but fruitful. And truth be told, we’re still finishing up our “Family Read-Aloud” of Abigail Adams’ biography. But it’s purely for pleasure, no assignments or “studies” remain on my “really want to do” list. Most importantly I’m pleased at the children’s understanding of the Biblical Principles we have learned – and the Notebooks they have produced.

This study was quite different from the last time our family went through this study. I was teaching primarily to teens then, now I have primarily young children again. I knew adjustments would have to be made. Gary DeMar’s God and Government series, Steven McDowell’s Liberating the Nations, Slater & Hall’s Rudiments of American Christian History and Government, and Clarence Carson’s American Government would be way over their heads. But there were many concepts within these books and many others that I wanted to incorporate, on their level. F.A.C.E.’s Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History, and Noah Plan History and Geography Curriculum Guide helped give me some ideas to bring it down to their level.

I based this study on 7 Biblical Principles of Civil Government, that we worked through, with plenty of “enrichment” added in, mostly in the form of biographies and projects related to them. Our HisStory focus for this study was the Constitutional Convention and first years as a nation (thus the Abigail Adams book – our oldest is also finishing up a biography of John Adams). We also read about and studied Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, and read several short biographical sketches of other men from the Convention.

The 7 Principles we studied were:
1) Civil government exists to protect its citizens and punish evildoers.

2) God establishes thrones and rulers, no matter what type of human government is in place. (covered various types of governments)

3) Godly government is based on Biblical Principles of Law & Liberty. (looked at Federal Christian Constitutional Republic)

4) God’s Story of Liberty & Law follows the PIPEline of HisStory westward. (looked at the history of government and liberty as it led up to this point – Declaration and War for Independence)

5) The first and fullest expression of Christian Civil Government was established in the United States – “One Nation Under God”. (studied the Constitution itself, and 3 Biblical aspects of our government: Principle of Representation, Separation of Powers, and Dual Natural /Federal – State)

6) If Principles of Godly government are not guarded & protected, they will be lost. (looked at the decline of our nation & 3 things needed to guard and protect liberty: prayer, education, and action)

7) It only takes a remnant & God to restore the foundations. Me and the Future – regaining “One Nation Under God” (looked at: My duties as a Christian – (commanded in scripture) pray, obey the law, pay taxes (and when not to, to obey God first) and My duties as a citizen – vote, jury duty, fight, petition/write civil officials.

Each of these was based on Scripture, and supporting Scriptures were added to many. Each Principle also branched out into studies in other areas. Our study of Ben Franklin led to my daughter’s discovery of his invention, the Glass Armonica, which she fell in love with and had to find and buy a music CD of.

Now for a couple of days of relaxing, before I put my head back in the books to discover the next place God desires to lead us in discovering His Principles, His Hand, and His Plan in His big, wide world. To Life and Learning! God is Good!


Gleaning Principles

Principles. When it comes to education, what are they? Where do they come from? How do you get them? “I’m totally confused. This is nothing like we learned.”

Ever feel that way? It is so hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Now, I’m not calling you names; just pointing out that old habits die hard. But we must not conform to the pattern of the world (even if that is the pattern we were raised in and the only one we know.) It’s true, this isn’t the way we learned. Most of us learned to memorize facts for a test. But, in addition to not conforming, we are also not to “reform” the world’s way (by tacking Scripture meaninglessly on to our lesson pages or adding a separate “Bible” class to the typical “scool curriculum”). But we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that is being formed to only His Word! Yes, at times transformation can seem confusing. You know you aren’t what you were, but you aren’t quite sure what you are becoming. But remember, He is not the author of confusion. He is bringing you from glory to glory.

When it comes to learning Biblical Principles, many people want the 1, 2, 3 steps, and make it snappy. Not going to happen. Renewing the mind takes time, and it doesn’t come through a formula. There is only one way to get the Wisdom of God, ask Him. He tells us that’s the way to get it, and even tells us He’ll give it to us. How? Well, most reliably, through His Word – the only place that we can be 100% positive that it is none other than His voice. So what’s this got to do with finding Biblical Principles?

Biblical Principles, which is what Wisdom is – call it “God’s Way” or perspective, even a Biblical Worldview, – can only be seen by the mind that is renewed by the Word. The better you know the Word, the easier it will be to see Biblical Principles that apply to all of Life. There is no getting around spending much time in God’s Word and asking His Holy Spirit to speak to your heart through it, and to renew your mind by it.

Then as you read and study elsewhere, do it with the same reliance on the Holy Spirit to be your Teacher. Look for Biblical Truths throughout. God has applied His principles to His Creation and His Story, to give us Real Life examples! Look to see God’s hand at work – His Providence displayed throughout the lives of People – Individuals and Nations. The problem sometimes comes when trying to see these things in the writings of others, especially those that don’t hold to this view. If they don’t believe that there are absolute Biblical Truths or God’s Providence, then those parts of the stories or evidence will be left out, as it is unimportant to them. That’s why it is important to use Primary Source Documents; and when using other resources, to look for those that do acknowledge Biblical Truth and Providence so those things won’t be edited out.

God has retained a remnant for Himself that would preserve HisStory. Even in our Post-Christian society, there are those that continue to stand for Biblical Truth and Providence. They have done the research, poured over the Primary Source Documents, and made them available to us. There are those who have searched out the Truths and hand of Providence. We can learn from them. Not just what they have learned, but how to learn more ourselves.

The Word of God is inexhaustable. It is written so very condensed that though you spend a lifetime searching it, you will always find something new to you. There are not just a handful of principles that someone has already gleaned and set in stone. God is Infinite and so are His Truths.

So, whether you begin with applying the Prinicples others have found, or God leads you to others through your own studies, matters not. As there is no “right” set of Biblical Priniciples that exclude or supercede others. They all build upon one another. They all show different aspects of our multi-faceted God who made a multi-faceted Creation. We can look at it through many various angles, but as long as we’re looking through the eyes of Faith, we will always see God, His Hand and His Plan at the core.

Some resources that will help you see God’s Principles, Truths and Providence are:
1) any publications by the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) and its authors, Verna Hall, Rosalie Slater, Carol Adams, Elizabeth Youmans, and more. Click here for our link to purchase their resources.

2) resources written by Steven McDowell, Mark Beliles, Marshall Foster, Mary-Elaine Swanson, James Rose, K. Alan Snyder, ….. These are just a few authors that write educational resources specifically from these point of view. I could not begin to list ALL such authors. Many Christian authors write fromsuch a viewpoint. Sadly, many also do not. It is disheartening, but all too common to pick up a “Christian” book that has a humanistic rather than Biblical worldview. Some of these authors can be found on our home ed catalog webpage.

3) Encyclopedia of Bible Truths by Ruth Haycock. This resource goes through typical “school subjects”, outlines them according to Biblical concepts and shows Scriptures to correlate with them. This is very helpful in planning studies. Even if you have a fairly well developed Biblical Worldview, Mrs. Haycock has probably gleaned a few different things than you have thought of so far. Remember, no one person can learn all there is to God and His ways.

Just a very few of the Biblical Principles we have found and applied in our studies- just to show you how easy it is:
Governments Foundations:
1) God is the Sovereign Ruler over ALL!
2) All (human) government begins with me (self-government).
3) God ordains human realms of government to control sinful mankind. (family, church, civil)

Creation Foundations – just a couple to get you started:
1) God is the Creator of ALL!
2) Creation consists of a tri-unity to reflect the Nature of the Creator. (Time, Space, Matter – Each of these three is also triune in itself.)


Teaching Self-Government – by the Mashal

As I’ve indicated before, the Mashal is a Hebrew way of teaching by parable, proverb, story – an analogy, metphor – relating what you are teaching to something the disciple already knows. Here’s an illustration of a recent Mashallic teaching I did for our children.

We were (are) studying Governments. I wanted to illustrate to them that the more they are self-governed under God, the less they need to be governed by others.

I took an empty glass and an empty balloon, and put the balloon in the glass. I explained that the balloon is them, the glass is like all the government over their life, and the space between the glass and balloon is external government – people that have to control them. The air inside the balloon is internal government, when there is very little or no air in the balloon, they have very little of the Holy Spirit controlling their life and need much external government – A LOT of control, represented by a lot of air in the glass.

Then I blew the balloon up into the glass. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit (the breath of God) we walk in self-control/ self-government under God, and do not need much external control. There is very little space in the glass around the balloon.

We memorized Galatians 5:22-23. Simple but effective. Better than the little circles drawn in the curriculum.


The 3 StAges of Learning

Since I really can’t use the same name for 2 different aspects of Lifestyle Education through Discipleship, even though it is the best description for both, I call this aspect the 3 StAges of Learning – take your pick, Stages or Ages 🙂

If you were to ask my children what “grade” they were in, they’d probably give you a blank stare. They are not being disrespectful nor shy. But it isn’t a term we use in our home education. They know what it means, but it might take them a while to figure out how to give you the type of answer you are looking for. If you didn’t know it, “grade levels” are not Bible-based nor God-ordained. My children are where they are in learning, line-upon-line. My job as their parent – ordained by God to educate them – is to lead them to continue on this path, progressing to the best of their ability, until they are mature enough to continue on their own, in their lifelong journey of learning.

We have found it helpful, though, to plan our teaching around 3 Biblical Seasons of human growth: Childhood, Youth, and Adult. We term these the “Wonder StAge”, the “Why? StAge”, and the “Wisdom StAge”.

The Wonder StAge is the years of Childhood, up to about puberty. There is much change and growth during this StAge, but these years are all characterized by taking in the Wonder of all of Life around the child. Learning what is out there. This is the StAge of curiosity, of wanting to know and learn – as long as we don’t kill that curiousity with an over-regimented, lock-step, dull, and lifeless, “letter of the Law” type of education. As Christians, we don’t just expose our children to the World of God, but primarily to the Word of God. We set a foundation of knowing God, then knowing His Creation through Him and His Word. We don’t pour tidbits and facts into them, but soak them in God’s ways and His Word and explore all of Life through that. This StAge is best spent in leading our Children to Biblical Principles that they will be able to learn to apply to their lives, throughout their whole lives; and in providing them the foundational Principles of the 7 Pillars of Wisdom. The Principle Approach terms this as preparing the seed. We aren’t trying to “choke a horse” giving them more than they can swallow, but rather planting a seed within them, that has all the potential of a full and fruitful life within its tiny germ, and with nourishing will grow to fruition. During the Wonder StAge we teach our children informally as we give them a sense of the Big Picture of Life. We focus on their Development of Relationships – with God, us and others, as well as with God’s Creation, – through the Word, being “with them”, character and service training, reading and exploration.

The Why? StAge is the years of Youth, puberty through late teens – if they are properly led through this StAge. This is the StAge of questioning (and wanting straight, True answers), to make learning their own, if the love of learning has been nurtured through Childhood, and not been snuffed out. In this StAge they gain Understanding of the Principles. Those seeds planted in Childhood have germinated and are beginning to grow and will put down strong roots in the Why? StAge, if not uprooted by confusing, conflicting authorities choking them out. We lead them to build upon those Principles, to create a framework in their minds to hook all new learning on. They are able to think more abstractly now, so we can lead them to comprehend the underlying causes, and to see “behind the scenes”. Things begin to make sense to them. This is the StAge to lead them in Deepening Relationships, and gaining an Understanding of all of Life – Understanding God and their Faith in Him, Understanding their Relationships with others, Understanding their own lives and purpose, and Understanding the connection of Creation and HisStory – God’s plan for His Creation and how it all inter-relates. We also want to lead beyond just Understanding those relationships, to forging them, both with God and others. Sending down the strong roots needed for those relationships to grow and flourish. This is also the StAge of their Formal Lessons. These Study years are filled with Reading & Research, Recording the information, Ruminating – thinking about it, Relating & Reasoning – coming to Truthful conclusions, Responding to the material and Releasing those conclusions. What does all of that mean? Basically that they will do a lot of reading, discussing, and essay writing.

The Wisdom StAge is to begin as Youth are becoming Young Adults, and continue through Adulthood as they become able to apply their Understanding not only in situations they see and read about, but to their own lives as well, and beyond, to encouraging others in their lives. In this StAge we release them to their own journey of Lifelong Learning. Obviously, not all teens and twenties enter this StAge. Many adults have never entered the Wisdom StAge; some never progressed very far into the Why? StAge. But this is where God would like all of us. This is the StAge of fruition; the seeds have sent down strong roots, and have grown strong branches, reaching out the fruit they bear to others; as they become able to not only live wisely, but also give godly counsel. This is the StAge of maturity where they “rightly divide the Word of Truth”. They are able to take the Principles and make application through His Word and His ways to all the details and “facts” in life. In the Wisdom StAge they are Designing Relationships by leading others into the Truths they have learned. They are not only able to learn, but also to teach. This is the StAge of releasing their Life Message, going forward in their God given purpose, taking their place in His Plan.

As we enter each progressive StAge, we are not “graduating” from one and leaving it behind. We are adding to it. God doesn’t want us to ever lose our child-like Wonder. He never wants us to stop asking and learning Why? But He does want us to become mature and Wise. He wants us to walk in His Truths, as well as know and understand them. We are to continue to learn and grow in all three StAges throughout all of Life. Many did not take their own Youth StAge seriously, or weren’t given proper opportunity, or correct answers to the questions of Life and they still struggle with Why? They still, as adults, don’t know their own purpose in Life, nor understand God’s Plan – HisStory. But, we can all go back and take the necessary steps in our own education, that we may progress in Wisdom and Understanding, and even Knowledge. And as we learn, we can take our children’s hands and lead them in God’s paths through the StAges of Learning.


**This is an edited repost from Oct. 2002.


the Principle of Individuality

This is really a carry over topic from yesterday’s muse. Today I’m reflecting on the Biblical Principle of Individuality as recognized by the Principle Approach to education.

If you are at all familiar with the Principle Approach, you probably, at first look, thought it to be quite structured, rigid, and scholarly. Perhaps that appealed to you, perhaps it sent you running the other way. Most likely, you had a mix of emotions. You were intriqued, yet skeptical. Components such as big fat books written in precise language from days past (using words you had to look up), primary documents, master teachers (who have mastered the subject they teach, through thorough study), blank notebooks just waiting to be filled (rather than pre-designed worksheets), can all appear overwhelming at first, especially the thought of those things coming into your home, where it was already a major challenge to put nutritious food on the table (serveral times, every day), clean laundry in the drawers (for everyone, everyday), supervise & train toddlers so the house wouldn’t be destroyed (every minute of everyday), nurse babies (seems like every minute of everyday sometimes) AND oversee the complete education of your older children. Perhaps you took one look at the Principle Approach and said, “I love the concept and the outcome, but I really see no way possible for me to add, to my already spilling over plate, learning a whole new way of teaching and learning, and research, plan and teach lessons for every subject, every grade level, EVERYDAY!” Perhaps you said, “The Principle Approach is for those families who have only 1 or 2 children – quiet, compliant ones at that, a husband with many hours and the interest to learn and teach right along with you, and a maid to take care of the house, meals, and laundry.” (The last two would be nice though.)

I hear you, loud and clear. I have all those things and more on my plate too. But to think the Principle Approach is not for your family, based on those givens in your family, is a faulty conclusion. F.A.C.E. may not have tailor made its materials to a mom in your situation, but they did base their philosophy on Biblical Principles; the first of which is: The Principle of Individuality.

This should be the most freeing thing you’ve heard today. This means that they recognized that God designed each of us uniquely, as individuals, families, and in our own unique situations. So each of our “Principle Approach” educational layouts will look different. That’s why no pre-written curricula was available until recently. They wanted each teacher to make it her own. They wanted Individuality to shine through. But we (home educator’s in general) took one look, and didn’t see freedom to express our own God-given design and destiny. We saw bondage to learning new ways through a hard, rigorous, pre-prescribed road. We are such creatures of the Law, aren’t we? Always seeing the letter that brings bondage and kills, rather than the spirit that brings life and liberty.

I love the Principle Approach. Yes, it took me a while to get beyond the guilt of “I know I’m not doing this the RIGHT way”, to the freedom of “God has sent those ahead of me, Master Teachers who had the time and the love, whose God given purpose was to prepare the way for me to walk on the path HE LEADS ME on.”

I know my utilization of the Principle Approach does not look anything like Stonebridge School. I know there are aspects that may seem essential to some, but we don’t use at all, or use inconsistently. I know our “style” is not “pure”. We have gleaned from several educational forerunners, as well as birthed our own unique “styles” in the spirit and prayer. But I also know we are doing exactly what God has called us to do, in the way that He has set before us. One study may pull in more aspects of the Principle Approach. Another study may pull in more aspects from another area. But ALL of it is based on Biblical Principles. All of it is designed to instill a Biblical Worldview; to produce excellence, Truth, preparedness, productivness, self-discipline, a love for learning, lifelong learners, a teaching mentality, and a host of other goals we are working toward for the Glory of God.

We are truly a Principle Approach home, for we are closely following the first Biblical Principle given – that of Individuality.


the Trivium or Proverbs 24:3-4 – a Journey

You’ll see me return to this topic again and again, as it is an underlying theme in most everything we teach. That is, Wisdom, Understanding, & Knowledge. Today I want to discuss it as applied as the 3 Seasons of Learning.

Many years ago we ran across the classical Greek philosophy in education called the Trivium, 3 levels of learning. We also saw repeatedly this paralleled in Christian education to the Biblical Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom. I began studying it out – praying, searching, researching. In fact, it was my first “4 R’s” study through the Principle Approach. Even as I was continuing this study,a through a very unsuspecting source the Lord laid a twist in my thinking – a paradigm shift. In a seminar that had nothing to do with education, – it was on renewing your foundation to develop a whole and complete Christian life, – the speaker spoke on Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge saying that satan always turns God’s way upside down, in this case to Knowledge, Understanding & Wisdom – again, this was not in specific referral to education. He went on to say that the world (following satan’s way) thinks Knowledge will lead to Understanding, will lead to Wisdom. And Scripture teaches this is not what happens, knowledge puffs up, and Wisdom is the principle thing. That God’s way is Wisdom, Understanding, & Knoweldge.

This pulled at my heart for a long time. What he said made good Biblical sense, but how could I apply it, and what about the Trivium as it is taught? Back to prayer, search and research. What did I know to be true from the Scripture? What did I see in education – actually doing it, not philosophical theories?

I could see, on one hand, as I had studied this aspect much, the point of the “Christian” Trivium of the progression of individuals in learning to first “Poll-Parrot”, then to grasp the meaning in theory, then to apply it. We grow through those stages, that they term Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom in that sense.** But as always, I’m looking for deeper meaning. Was there a God-directed, Hebrew application? I’d studied enough to know that the Hebrew and Greek mindsets were nearly opposites, and the Trivium was a classical Greek philosophy. I knew that, as in psychology, the way that seems reasonable to man, is not always the way of the Spirit. Reason is not the highest authority. Spirit always supercedes. Did God have a higher way of the Spirit?

Because on the other hand, I could not see teaching my children to rotely memorize a bunch of unrelated facts, then as they matured hopefully they’d begin to grasp them and see how they fit together, then someday, if they were different than most of our society, they’d begin to use this information. But they really wouldn’t have any foundation to know anything more than they were taught, just to understand and use it better. That’s the way we were taught, to memorize a bunch of stuff that didn’t make sense, to pass in school. Then maybe, when you were in your late 20’s, 30’s or 40’s it would begin to make sense – if you continued to study. And then, you might actually do something to apply it, in your 40’s, 50’s, or so, when society considered you “over the hill’ and “out of touch”, and didn’t care to listen to what you had to say. Yes, some pushed through and “made it”; they were “gifted” enough to pull it together. But, sadly, many just decided it wasn’t worth it. They “tried learning, it didn’t work, so why bother.” No, what if my kids got caught in this drudgery and didn’t make it through to the other side?

Surely God has a better way. God says, “Wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore, get Wisdom …” If Wisdom is the most important thing, that’s where I’ll begin. So, what do I know – What is Truth – about Wisdom? Well, God says if I lack it, ask and He’ll give it; and that “God gives Wisdom …” OK, so I can’t get Wisdom, just by studying and progressing through certain levels of learning. It only comes from God. Because God also says that man’s “wisdom” is really utter foolishness. Next, how does God give it? Through the only way that man can recieve from God, by Revelation. God reveals Himself in two ways, in our hearts, which is capable of decieving us; and through His Word, which is infallable. So, the only fool-proof way to recieve Wisdom is through His Word, though He will also lead the heart that is connected to Him in ways that agree with His Word.

OK, I now know that Wisdom only comes from God, and He gives it primarily through His Word – now what exactly is it? It’s been defined as the ability to apply the right solution, knowing what to do, good counsel, knowing God’s way or will, applying God’s ways or Truth, or my all time favorite, seeing all of Life from God’s perspective. So Wisdom is being able to see the Big Picture, God’s view and purpose, and then carrying through and acting on it. Whoa, can that really be done? Hey, He’s the one that said, “If you lack, ask Me, and I’ll give it!” What great news!!!

Is this beginning to make sense to you, as it did me? Of course, as Christian home educators we all want to be “Bible-based”, but we aren’t talking anymore about following that old wine skin of rotely memorizing a few verses, or being able to retell the main stories. We are asking Him to reveal His viewpoint and purposes to us, as we study and meditate upon His Word. We are beginning internally, with the Sprit. Looking to see first, Heart to heart. Not beginning with the external, Law, the dry letter that appeals to our heads rather than our hearts. As we see His purposes we are actually unveiling Biblical Principles, that we can grow to understand, see in various aspects of His Creation, and apply to our own lives.

Now we’re getting somewhere. We have just poured new wine into new wineskins!! Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty, but the letter of the Law brings death!! To put this all in very simple terms, rather than beginning with dry, rote facts “Knowledge”, we begin with the Revelation of Biblical Principles – “Wisdom”. As we grow in Wisdom, He gives Understanding – we possess His Principles (even make them our own) and we begin to gain greater insight “Understanding” of them. Then, as we are able to see what His Principles are all about, we begin to see how they apply to everything around us – to all the “subjects” and “facts” of “school”. We gain Knowledge that isn’t rote memorization of dates, places, and rules that don’t make sense; but is rather an application, in God’s Providence, that we can learn from, of His Principles. And further!!, as we see how His Principles apply in His Creation and HisStory, we can relate those things to OUR lives, and make application there also. You see, we have completed the cycle of Seasons and returned to Wisdom – applying God’s Truth, in our own lives.

Now, let’s take a look at Proverbs 24:3-4: “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Here’s the application: None of us begins to build a house with the wall hangings and furnishings – Knowledge. Building is begun by laying a foundation and constructing the framework – Wisdom, the Big Picture, Biblical Principles. Next, the rooms are framed in, siding, a roof and drywalled added. It’s function is established – Understanding, seeing how it works and fits together. Then we decorate the rooms, beautify and make useful – we see the beauty of God’s Principles in all of Life and Learning – as seen in Creation, HisStory, Governments, Economies, Communication, and Dominion Skills. And in turn, we apply them to those areas in our lives.

My search led me back to one of the first places I’d started, the Principle Approach, which is an educational approach based on teaching Biblical Principles. One of the educational approaches that we have adopted Biblical principles from in formulating our own Lifestyle Education through Discipleship. The first Bibllical principle recognized by the Principle Approach is that of “Individuality”. It’s one that we have truly applied in our family’s education. Note, this application was not arbritary Individualism; there is a difference. We began with universal Biblical Principles – God’s view, which we studied and prayed about, to gain greater Understanding of. Then we saw how they were applied in other places; while we sought God for how He wanted us to apply them in our own home. We strongly encourage you, also, to seek God for His application for YOUR family, as you seek and find His Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge in the 3 Seasons of Learning.

** Note: See a future post on our “3 StAges of Learning” – which are really Seasons too, but in a different context 🙂


P.S. I didn’t elaborate much on Understanding and Knowledge, as we all know what they are. Understanding is “getting it”, something making sense. Knowledge is learning the facts, as in “book learning” or “head knowledge”. Which to prove it does not lead to understanding or wisdom, is seen opposed to “common sense” meaning “just knowing”, or heart knowledge, the sliver of the image of God still seen in some men. 🙂


It’s Yom Hadar!

It’s Yom Hadar! That is Day of Excellence. We celebrate it every week, on Friday. You know all those things you’d like to do in educating your children, but they get crowded out by all the things you think you have to do? Those things that really create an environment of excellence, but somehow you don’t think you can skip math or reading to do? I’m talking about things like Poetry, Classical Music, Art History, and other such comforts of life. Things that take life and education out of the mundane and ordinary, and raise it to something extraordinary, of excellence.

We begin Yom Hadar with Family Communion time, and the Lighting of the Candles. The table is covered in lace, and we light 2 candles, in crystal holders, representing Creation and Redemption – the physical and spiritual lights God has given us. We take Communion together, reflecting on what’s in our hearts, and God’s cleansing. The “bread” is usually “Cheerios” on china plates, the “wine”, sparkling grape juice served in wine glasses. (A breakfast of bagels usually follows.) We pray together. We sing the great Hymns of praise together. We share from the Psalms together. We read a devotional on and rehearse the Westminster Shorter Catechism together.

We aren’t die-hard Calvinists, but we find much Truth to be learned from the Catechism, as we instruct our children in God’s Ways. We use Training Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade, which brings the Catchism out of the rote memory class, and into the devotional mode. There are 6 daily readings for each of the Questions, explaining the answer with Scriptures to look up and read.

After this Family Worship time together, we like to each share from God’s gift of Individuality. Each bringing a presentation of their own uniqueness. Perhaps a picture they’ve drawn, a craft they’ve made, a poem they’ve written – or just rehearsed, a Scripture they’ve memorized, a piano piece they’ve learned, whatever they have to give from themselves for the Glory of God.

On Yom Hadar we also do studies of Excellence, again these are things beyond our normal everyday fare. We read and study Poetry and Literature, as well as elocution. We listen to and learn about Classical Music, and Hymns, as well as their Composers. We forge ahead in Music training and instrument playing, and I hope to add more voice training. We study Art and Artists, and again apply it through our own art training. We work on Foreign Languages – currently French and Sign Language, although Greek and Latin foundations have been past studies and we will get back into them again.
As I read this, it sounds like we do a lot! Yet each thing only takes a small amount of time and it is no more lengthy than our other learning times. And it is such a sweet, enjoyable time together. The children cherish it. On Thursday night, someone always reminds, “Don’t forget. Communion tomorrow.”

Most of our lives need far more enrichment. These things that get shoved aside, due to “normal” living, are what makes a Life. Jesus said He came to give us Life in all abundance – a full and fruitful life. When we see the good and excellent things of life not as add ons that we wish we could do, but don’t have time for, but as the spice that makes an ordinary life, and education, something extraordinary we will live in more days of Yom Hadar – for the Glory of God.


Blue Skies and Smooth Sailing

Sounds great, doesn’t it? But life is made up of not blue skies and smooth sailing, but rather change and growth. This blog is one such area in my life. Journaling is SO important, but in a busy home educating family of 10 children (only 6 still at home), the consistency of writing for the purpose of sharing with others outside the family is not “blue skies and smooth sailing”, as those of you that subscribe to our newsletters know.

This blog will hopefully give me a convenient way to share with you, have it published to our website so you can read the archives, and (hopefully) give you an easy way to share your comments. I’ll be working to add our previous archives here, as well as new musings.

Well, off to a new day of Life – change and growth!