Are You Ready for a New Start?

We have returned from vacation, just in time for me to get a nasty sinus infection and headache – uggh. So I’m feeling like I should post, but my brain really is not up to thinking through an article at this point. So I’ll just share some basics on preparing for a new year of discipling our children at home.

Probably the most beneficial thing you can do is prepare a few foundational lessons for each area of study. Some keys I include in prepare these lessons are:
1) the Biblical perspective of the area of study
Every area of study has a Biblical philosophy behind it and can (and should in the Christian home and school) be taught based on that. Giving our children a “Christian” education does not mean just tacking Scripture verses or Bible classes onto your “normal” learning. It means studying everything from God’s perspective and for His glory. A good beginning resource for this is Ruth Haycock’s Encyclopedia of Bible Truths.

2) the foundational vocabulary of the area of study
It’s always good to know just what you are studying. What is the big picture of it? How does it all fit together? Knowing the vocabulary is the key to taking dominion. A good resource for this is Noah Webster’s original 1828 Dictionary. You can also use it for free online.

3) the source/ origin of the area of study and the purpose for studying it
Every area has a Biblical source or origin and reason for studying it. You could simply say, “It started with God.” But it is good to go a bit further than that. Use an exhaustive concordance along with the terms and definitions you got from Webster’s 1828 for this.

4) the rudiments of the study area
What aspects are the basic elements of the area of study? The whole of the study will expand from these – throughout all the years of study. The student that receives these seeds of each area of study will have a stong foundation for all his years of study to be built upon. Much of this too can be determined from the word studies in Webster’s 1828. Further helpful information can be found in the Noah Plan Curriculum Guides and the Guide to American Christian Education for Home and School.

5) the Biblical principles of the study area
Here we look both at how the subject reveals the 7 Biblical Principles of Liberty and also the principles specific to the individual study. These will only be deduced from the above studies – reading and researching, and spending time ruminating and reflecting on the subject.

These 5 key elements form a foundation for each area of study that we can build upon each year. This year perhaps you will only scratch the surface of each, next year you can expand each area in each area.

Mom and Dad, there is only one way you can disciple your children. That is by beginning these studies yourself. You must be headed somewhere before you can lead your children there. That is what L.E.D. is all about – “you follow me, as I follow Christ”.


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