A Trivial Pursuit

Education has truly become a “trivial pursuit” – I could get on a soapbox on that one. Knowledge certainly puffs up, and the “wisdom” of man is utter foolishness. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. I go so far as to say there is no true education outside of a Biblical (that is God’s) view of ed. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of both true knowledge and wisdom.

And with knowledge doubling every few years (18 months in some areas), a typical knowledge based education without any “gaps” is an impossibility. As you said, you can’t teach a child the knowledge they need for their future. So the only way left you can “educate” a child without God at the center, is to give him a “social” education. Why else would the number one question asked of home educators be, “What about socialization?”. Train him to be a good cog, whoops – citizen, of the state.

Beginning with K. “social studies” and the “Community”, give him plenty of worthless trivia (where did I just read about the ps unit studies on ice cream? – name the flavors, spell the flavors, when was it invented, by who, etc. ad naseum.) Just fill his head with vanity, tell him what to think, but never, no never teach him how to think.

For if you do he may well question why he is here, if he really is just another animal, and that may lead him to wondering if there really is a God, and if that God made him for some noble purpose. And they sure wouldn’t want that to happen.


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