Last Sunday I was just tired of the usual “going out to Sunday dinner” – tired of restaurant choices that are less than healthy. So I told the children we were going home for peanut butter and jelly – in our home that is whole wheat bread, peanuts only peanut butter, and fruit only jam, no sugar or other junk ingredients. I bought them a few extra special treats to go with it – organic applesauce in individual containers, organic baby carrots, and “fancy” 100% juice (no sugar or other additives – something other than usual apple or orange) in individual bottles. By night, I was still tired of “less than healthy” fare, so I grabbed what Good for You-Naturally!™ food was available where I was, which was a few bites of cantaloupe. I called the sandwich, carrots, and cantaloupe good for the day.
When I woke up Monday, I decided it was time for a cleansing fast. Time to get the junk out, that had crept in over the last few months. Summertime is always our challenge for not allowing little bits of junk to creep in, with ball schedules, vacations and such. A few fries here. A burger there. Chips. Pizza drive through. And it begins adding up. I’d had enough. Sunday was the turning point, and Monday the day to begin a cleanse. Since this was only a cleanse from a few summer junk lapses – not a lifetime build up – it didn’t have to be drastic, but it had to be done.
Having been pregnant and/or nursing for most of the last 32 years, my “extended fasts” have always included fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juices. So although I’ve helped many others through more strenuous fasts, I had never been able to do one myself. (I’ve never done a full 40 days either.) This one was a bit different (and still not a strict water-only fast.)
A couple weeks ago a family friend called and in the course of the conversation asked if I knew anything about the Lemonade Cleanse and what I thought of it. A couple months ago our maple syrup producer came through on his annual trip and told me he’s selling a lot of syrup to people using it for the Lemonade Cleanse.
Yes, I told our friend (and the syrup man,) as we discussed it, I’ve heard of it and think it sounds good, but hadn’t tried it yet. I planned to give it a 3 day trial “sometime”, but didn’t know when. Monday became the “when.”
The Lemonade Cleanse (aka Master Cleanse) is a 10 day near-fast utilizing a homemade “Lemonade” (recipe below) to help with the cleansing and detoxifying. I drink fresh lemon juice in purified water many mornings, which helps as a daily detox/ cleanser, but this was a new experience that I decided to take on last week. I went into it not knowing if I’d do 1 day, 2 days, 3 days – thinking 3 would be nice, but not knowing if I’d stick with the Lemonade, or switch to fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
Monday came and went well – with just The Lemonade. I had just enough organic lemons to get through the day. The recipe was really good, easy to drink, and I felt great. Tuesday came, along with my Azure Standard food order – and more organic lemons – and went great. But by night I wasn’t sure if I’d continue. Decided to wait until morning to make decision. Wednesday awoke ready to tackle another day. Went great. Felt great. But out of Lemons! I came home from evening church, ate a couple slices of homemade whole wheat bread and a natural turkey strip.
Woke up Thursday ready to go for another day. Walmart – no organic lemons. Health food store – no organic lemons. Back to Walmart to try organic limes. They taste great in the Lemon, make that LIMEade. Thursday went great. Friday planned to go off again. Had a Brandi salad for lunch. Dh said he’d do dinner, since I was busy getting ready for company – but he forgot to make what he said he would for me – grilled veggies and salad. So back to Limeade. Saturday brought an outing day – at Railfest – pancake breakfast and burger picnic lunch. So I planned ahead and took my Limeade. I wasn’t going to break a cleansing fast with white flour and sugar nor burger. Saturday went well – except the poisonous sting I got. (See FB status.) Ended Saturday with homemade whole wheat crust veggie pizza. (Out of limes.)
All in all a great cleanse. I will no doubt utilize the Lemonade Cleanse again in the future. I went longer than my 3 expected days. Not a full 10 days for a “Master Cleanse” – nor even a full week. But 6 days with only 3 Good for You-Naturally!™ “meals” – and 4 1/2 full cleansing days with no food. I feel more vibrant. I’m well pleased!

Lemonade Cleanse Recipe
fresh-squeezed juice of 1/2 organic lemon (or 1 organic lime, if you can’t find organic lemons) (approx. 2 Tbl.) (Many times we note in our recipes to use organic ingredients if at all possible. For this cleanse it is very important that you use the organic ingredients listed.)
2 Tbl. organic Grade B REAL maple syrup (Don’t even think that “Pancake Syrup” would do you any good for a cleanse.)
large dash or so of cayenne pepper (ground red pepper) (1/10 tsp.) – non-irradiated/organic (Grocery store spices are irradiated. Find a good source, such as Frontier Herbs, or such at your health food store, for all your spices and seasonings.)
8-10 oz. purified water (reverse osmosis or distilled, we highly recommend that you not buy pre-bottled water in plastic containers, but if that’s all you can get…)
Mix together well. Drink immediately.
Make and drink this recipe 6 times per day. (Don’t make up all 6 glasses at once, but you can do 1 double batch for the morning, 1 double batch for the afternoon, and 1 double batch for late afternoon/evening, if you put it in an insulated container or refrigerate and drink within a couple hours.)
Also drink approx. the same amount of plain purified water or more. (When fasting, it is recommended that you drink your weight in ounces of water per day – i.e. if you weigh 128# you should drink 128 ounces of water – 1 gallon. The Lemonade would make up about 60 oz. of that.)
The Master Cleanse also recommends drinking an herbal laxative tea, such a Smooth Move, (or unrefined salt water) to help remove toxins as you are detoxing during your fast – so they aren’t reabsorbed into your system. You could also use, as I do, Fiber Cleanse.
Perhaps you’re ready to de-junk with a Cleansing Fast – or venture into our 7-Step Transition to a Good for You-Naturally!™ Lifestyle of Eating. Bottoms Up!
Lisa @ Me and My House