Remember Me

JoJo’s, of Art of Elequence, question of the week is:

What is the one thing you would most like to be remembered for?

My answer is easy. My faith – faithful love and service to my God, Lord, Savior. May my light so shine before men that they glorify my Father in heaven. I live and breathe for His glory alone. (Although, of course, frail flesh does so so imperfectly.) My one prayer is that others, especially my children and family, have this same passion for their Creator and Lord as I do.

What’s your answer? What one thing would you most like to be remembered for?

Post your answer at your own blog, then come back here and post your answer as a comment, also leaving a link to your blogpost. You can post your comment at JoJo’s also. (If you don’t have a blog, just post a comment here.)

For Me and My House ~ At Jesus’ feet,
Lisa @ Me and My House ~ Discipleship for Life!
1 Thessalonians 5:23
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New Beginings for this Blog – for a new year

Greetings from Me & My House,

It’s time for a new beginning for this blog, as this year comes to a close. I began it a little over a year ago, posted a few things with no real direction, removed them, and gained a new focus.

This blog is my musings and random ramblings as a Christian Keeper at Home. It’s the one to check out for recipes & nutrition insights and ideas, home keeping, organizing, and managing insights and ideas, Christian womanhood insights and ideas, and just plain general Christian family insights and ideas.

I have no catchy saying like, Living a Mary life in a Martha world, or anything like that. But that is what Christian life is all about, giving God our all – all our heart, soul, mind, and strength to do His will & serve others, in particular our families. It’s about resting at Jesus’ feet to gain strength to be a Christian maker of a home, do your husband well, and love your children and bring them up in the nurture and admonition – discipline and instruction – of God’s Word, then letting that light shine forth to others.

It’s all about “the very God of peace [sanctifying] you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”

See my other blogs: on Christian home education at Lifestyle Education through Discipleship, and Christian contemplations at my Clear Vision blog.

For Me & My House,
At Jesus’ feet,