My favorite tea steeping mug! Special order yours today $20.
Teas are becoming much the rage now as a “healthy” beverage. I suppose as compared to coffee. I don’t buy it when it comes to true teas – Camellia Sinensis – black, green, oolong, white, etc. I’m not completely denying the claims of certain constituents in tea that are health promoting, but there are enough other properties – such as caffeine and tannins – that aren’t. So I don’t drink or recommend them.
We all know caffeine is a powerful stimulant. Some may like the temporary effects, but the effects on our health are also powerful – powerfully negative. Tannins too are destructive. They interfere with digestion and inhibit mineral absorption, such as calcium and iron, and have astringent constricting effects on your mucous membranes. Tannins negatively affect proteins, in your body and food.
So … if true teas (as well as coffee) are not really good choices, what is?
Herb teas have been my flavored Good for You-Naturally!™ drink of choice for many years. There are so many plants that make great tasting infusions for drinking, “tisanes”, and have many healthful properties without the negatives. You can enjoy great variety and choose according to your mood or need of the moment. In addition to avoiding the above negative components of true teas (and coffee) you also avoid all the added ingredients, calories and health destroyers present in them.
Good for You-Naturally!™ Simply Beverages has a whole section on herb teas, featuring some of our favorites. But here today I want to highlight one of the latest rages.
Rooibos tea has become very popular in recent years. It is also called red (bush) tea. Like herb teas, it is not a true tea. It is a tisane made from a plant, this one the a legume-family shrub in South Africa. Like other herb teas it is naturally has no caffeine. It does have trace amounts of tannins though.
The health benefits of Rooibos are:
It is calming and soothing, containing anti-spasmotic properties, good for colic or stomach cramping;
It contains anti-oxidents, boosts the immune system.
It has anti-allergic properties, is good for allergies, such as hay fever, asthma, and eczema.
It aids in health problems such as headaches, irritability, nervous tension, insomnia, fevers, and hypertension.
Recent studies show it may have cardiovascular benefits*.
It also has anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Honeybush tea is another South African herb tea, very similar in taste to Rooibos but sweeter. It also is caffeine-free and low in tannins, has anti-oxidants, blood sugar lowering properties, phytoestrogens, and is good for coughs.*
To make a Holiday Rooibos (or Honeybush) Chai –
Pour 1 cup boiling pure water over 1 Tbl. Rooibos.
Steep approx. 5 minutes.
Add non-milk and a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves.*
Can also serve over ice as a Chilled Chai.
(When brewing regular Rooibos – not for Chai – use 1 tsp. per cup.)
Special Order Organic Rooibos (1#/$19 – 1.5 oz. $6), Honeybush (1#/$16.50) and Tea Spot Steeping Mug ($20 – 16 oz. red, black, blue, or lime) or Steeping Cup ($16 – 8 oz. no handle) – contact us for invoice (address needed for shipping cost.)
Other brands that I haven’t tried, so I’m not endorsing – Rooibos at Amazon.com