Organic? Does it matter?

As Kastel says, we’re now at the point where we really cannot afford NOT to buy organic food, even if it is more expensive. The U.S. is forecasted to soon be spending close to 20 percent of our gross national product on healthcare, and the failing health of the American people is a direct result of poor nutrition and toxic foods. Healthcare costs are also the number one cause of individual bankruptcy.

We simply MUST take organic agriculture seriously if we want good health.

“[I]t’s a matter of prioritizing where we put our money. You know that classic adage, “Pay now or pay later,” Kastel says. ” I’d rather pay now and have a better quality of life, especially when it comes to the developing fetuses, lactating mothers, young developing children. Not only are we exposing them to the soup of neurotoxic chemicals during development, but, we’re depriving them of a lot of essential nutrition. …

The attributes to organic food are not just the avoidance of toxins. It’s also about what it does have in there, and that’s the superior nutrients.”



Freedom & Simplicity in the Kitchen

For many people, that know what is good, real food and what is not, the trouble comes when it comes time to prepare it. What do I eat? When? How do I prepare it? How do I keep from spending all day in the kitchen?

Yes, once we know what we should be doing, we need to learn how to do it. And there is nothing like someone walking alongside of us, and personally showing us and answering our questions. That is true Discipleship!

So for those of you that are ready to jump in with both feet and begin preparing and eating foods that are Good for You-Naturally!™ we offer Freedom & Simplicity™ in the Kitchen Workshops. In these Workshops you’ll learn how to make food that is good for your health, quick and easy to prepare, and yummy too.

Our first Workshop in this series is this Saturday, Nov. 19th, in North Platte, NE and the Registration deadline is today (Wed. Nov. 16th) This workshop, Living Foods for Life, is on learning to make the everyday basics and a few extras.

Get more details and Register here today





Remembering Mykayah

It was the longest labor I’ve ever had-by far. But it was 3 days of complete focus on this new babe that would soon join our family. Our first child after giving complete trust to God to grow our family to the size He desires. We had 4 beautiful little girls that I loved so much. None of them “planned”, but I was thrilled over each one. We had our “large family”. We thought we were “done”. That is until God grabbed a hold of our hearts and surrender was given to Him. Mykayah was to be that first child consecrated solely to Him before she even was. (By me, anyhow.)

3 days of labor. Listening to Keith Green music almost non-stop. I didn’t notice the length of time. Those around me surely did. I worshipped with Keith. They probably got tired of the repetition. My birth helpers and I decided I was no doubt fully dilated, but nothing was happening. It was time to be checked out. This was to be my first home birth. We’d be in regular contact with my Dr. and keeping a close watch, but it was not to be. It was God’s hand holding Mykayah in until we reached the hospital. We set out for the 36 mile ride in the beginning of a blizzard. A little uncomfortable for this post-transition mama, but we made it.

The ride must have jostled her more, as the Dr. words were, “I feel feet.” Here we go. Breech delivery with uterine exhaustion. Yet, I rejoice over the Dr. and hospital we had. At our local hospital I would have no doubt been knocked out and given a c-section. My Dr. gave me about 20 minutes to push her out, with that uterine exhaustion, before he’d schedule a C. And it would take a while for the anesthesiologist to get there in the blizzard. Push that baby out I did. Just as sure as He’d held her in, He brought her out.

Beautiful. Another girl. Mykayah (after the bold prophet who spoke truth) Joelle-Who is like Yahweh? Yahweh is God.

Then the cord was cut. No longer was her life physically connected permanently to mine. And it was immediately evident that she would struggle without that connection. She was placed in a tiny bed next to mine, not in my arms, and all focus turned to her. To life saving efforts.

Three hours later those efforts would fail. Congenital heart problem that couldn’t have been known ahead of time. Couldn’t have been prevented or helped. She was in God’s hands, yet my heart was as broken as my arms were empty. Well, not completely. I held that empty shell, that her spirit had left behind, all day. Our family all came. We wept instead of rejoiced.

Home without her. Funeral preparations. I didn’t even go to funerals. I had no idea what was suppose to be done. I did what I wanted. I was blessed with two pastors who allowed a grieving mama her way, to use death to proclaim life, with a clear presentation of the gospel and call to repentance and belief, along with much worship and praise of our Lord.

The days ahead. The empty nights. So much. Yet God’s peace passed all understanding. Still the empty arms ached. Father God, I’d really like a baby in my arms before her first birthday. Yet His peace passed all understanding.

And His grace blesses beyond our deepest hopes. 9 days before Mykayah’s first birthday, Amariah (Yahweh said) Faith was born.

Happy 21st Birthday, Mykayah- Nov. 6th. Happy 20th Birthday, Amariah – Oct. 29th. His peace still passes all understanding.

Cancer in a Can?

To understand the nature of Pringles and other stackable chips, forget the notion that they come from actual potatoes in any recognizable way.

The Pringles Company (in an effort to avoid taxes levied against “luxury foods” like chips in the UK) once even argued that the potato content of their chips was so low that they are technically not even potato chips.

So if they’re not made of potatoes, what are they exactly?

from Dr. Mercola
Are You Eating this All-Time Favorite “Cancer-in-a-Can” Snack? 

Good for You-Naturally! training

Me & My House has 2 opportunities for you to receive instruction in eating Good for You-Naturally!™ The first is a local LIVE Seminar, where you’ll learn the what, why and how of eating for health – and get to try great tasting Good for You-Naturally!™ foods and see how easily they are made. The second is an Online Course & Community, where we’ll walk you through, step-by-tiny-step, in applying those principles – and you’ll enjoy a 1-Year Membership to the site, for continued review and encouragement.


We’ve just had a couple spots come open in the Freedom & Simplicity™ of Good for You-Naturally!™ LIVE Seminar. Their loss is your gain. So if you are able to get to North Platte, NE this Saturday, November 5, 2011


Come Join us for a full day of training and tasting!
* How & Why to eat for health from a Biblically principled perspective
* plenty of Freedom & Simplicity™ food prep demos
* a wide variety of Good for You-Naturally!™ foods to try
* a tasty, Good for You-Naturally!™ Lunch included


Don’t Miss It – Register NOW –  $35 (More info here.)



If you aren’t able to make it to the local, LIVE Seminar, Join us Online for the Good for You-Naturally!™ for Life Online Course & Community. Get more info and a Free 2 Lesson Preview at the link.



Tuesday Tip ~ Bread Kneading

Have you ever made bread that just didn’t raise like you wanted it to? You know your yeast was active and you didn’t kill it. What went wrong? One possible answer is that it wasn’t kneaded well enough.


This post isn’t on how to knead, but rather how to know when you are done kneading. If you don’t know the technique for kneading, that is better shown in a video, and I don’t have one made. But will put one up for you another day.


Especially when kneading by hand, it can seem hard to know when the gluten has been developed enough to raise the bread properly. You usually stop when your arms are about to fall off or you get really tired of doing it. Recipes may not be a bit help by giving a certain number of minutes, considering that one may knead very vigorously and another just half heartedly or just plain without the strength.


Actually it is very easy to tell when the gluten is well developed, no matter how you knead. Pinch off a small ball of dough, about the size of a walnut. Gently stretch it out into a square/rectangle (in 4 directions, not just side to side in 2 directions.) If you can stretch it out until it is thin enough that you can see light through it without it breaking, the gluten should be good and stretchy enough to give you a good rise. This is called the window pane test. And it is an easy way to know if you need to knead more or not.


Another tip that may help those that are kneading by hand. You don’t have to do all of the kneading at one time. If your arms are getting tired, or if you need to attend to other things before the dough is completely kneaded, you can stop for a few minutes and come back to it.



GMO Videos Part 2

Our list of GMO (and other food) videos we’ve watched to date this fall. We have watched many. Some were more interesting than others, some included the same interviews as others, some were done better than others, some were idealized, most don’t have a Biblical perspective (only 1 we’ve watched does) so their conclusions lead to agendas (politically or environmentally) that we are not for. We certainly don’t agree with everything presented in all of these. But all expose evidence and the dangers of genetically engineered organisms, which we believe we have both health reasons and Biblical reasons to avoid and educate on. Therefore, they are worthy of watching. Apply a Biblical principled perspective and you will learn much and be able to make appropriate responses, beginning in your own kitchen, by avoiding eating genetically modified foods. (Some of these videos are not specifically on GMOs, but are on other dangers in food production/processing and/or the food and health relationship.)


We’ve been able to watch all of these for free online – most through Netflix streaming, YouTube or Vimeo. But before the movies, the first is a talk show interview on GMOs. The second is an audio of a presentation given by sustainable farmer, Joel Salatin.

Dr. Oz Investigates Genetically Modified Foods – in this 3 part video Dr. Oz interviews those both for and against GE foods.

Food: The Cornerstone of Christian Credibility – audio given by Christian farmer, Joel Salatin, at Patrick Henry College  (you’ll see him featured in Food, Inc below)

Food Inc – (Netflix) a great first video to watch, although not strictly about GMOs, about the industrialization and politics of food.

King Corn (Netflix) – The children enjoyed this one. The story of 2 city guys who decide they want to experience being corn farmers and learn how corn grown in Iowa ended up in their hair (hair analysis.)

Deconstructing Supper – (Netflix) a restaurant owner learns about GMOs.

Fed Up – (Netflix) explores the various food production systems of the US, uses old movies clips to add to the entertainment factor.

The Future of Food  – free online, also at YouTube and Netflix – documentary on biotech and politics

Life Running Out of Control – (Netflix) explores the effects of biotechnology on our lives

The World According to Monsanto – documentary on who Monsanto is and what they are doing.  (More videos listed below this video.)


Food Matters – (Netflix) the relationship between food and health

Forks Over Knives – (Netflix) effects of modern food processing on our health, focusing on the research of Dr. Colin Campbell (cancer) and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (heart disease).

Ingredients – (Netflix) bringing food production back to the sustainable, local farm, and good food back to the table.


Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead – (Netflix) another that isn’t GMO, but this one was all our children’s favorite. The story (there’s the appeal) of a man who learns of the relationship between food and health and goes on a fresh juice diet and travels the country, while he’s losing weight and gaining health, and the people he meets along the way.


GMO Videos Part 1

Continuing our links to movies about genetically modified foods. Everything you Have to Know About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods is by Jeffrey Smith, one of the leading voices on GMO research. (See our other blog posts about him and GMOs.)  You are able to watch this video in its entirety through Vimeo, embedded below. I’ve also included below the first segment of another of Jeffrey Smith’s videos from youtube, Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals. You can also purchase these and other videos, as well as Jeffrey’s book Seeds of Deception, on Jeffrey’s site.


Everything You Have to Know About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods
This video doesn’t just tell you the dangers, but also what we can do about it, without relying on more government regulation.

Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods from Jeffrey Smith on Vimeo.



Hidden Dangers in Kids Meals

Detox for Cancer Prevention

As Cancer Awareness Month winds down, I’d like to share another article with you on cancer and its relation to toxins. Detoxification protocols are one of your best chances for cancer prevention.

I obviously don’t know all that will be presented in this Summit, and no doubt many (perhaps all) that share will not be speaking as Christians, some may even include beliefs that are contrary to Biblical truth. I don’t know. But I do know that utilizing natural foods and methods that God has created, and man has tried to outlaw in favor of their own toxic solutions, is a better idea, and worth listening to those that are talking about them.


Sign up for the free online Healing Cancer Summit. Here’s the info:

There’s no question that we live in a toxic environment.

In fact our most precious resource, water, contains chemicals and additives that under scientific scrutiny have been shown to be carcinogenic.

In February 2011, the E.P.A. petitioned the White House to step up the regulation of the drinking water in the U.S. due to concerns that the existing systems were not up to speed with the most recent environmental and health science.

Here’s an quote from the New York Times, dated February 2, 2011:

“Studies have found that hundreds of industrial and agricultural chemicals, including several known carcinogens, are present in municipal water systems around the country. The nation’s laws and enforcement programs have not kept pace with spreading contamination, posing significant health risks to millions.”

Reading this doesn’t exactly make you feel safe.

In fact, if regulations are lagging behind to protect us from our contaminated water supply, what about other dangers we face as we live through our day to day lives?

How polluted is the air?

What about our food?

Are EMF’s really safe?

Some of these questions we know the answer to, while others are still up in the air (literally?) – according to the most recent modern science.

What’s most frightening is that many people could get sick from these harmful materials before anyone else steps up to put an end to their use.

How this affects you is simple. All you have to do is know the basic pathology of disease.

Inflammation is known widely through almost all medical communities as a strong indicator of disease.

Toxins in the body can cause inflammation.

The equation is not hard to calculate. The more toxic exposure you have the more likely you are to get sick – sometimes with a cold or a flu, but many times worse.

Cancer is one of these diseases that can come from chronic inflammation.

So in order to eliminate your chances of getting the disease you must stop the inflammation.

Detoxifying your body using natural and proven techniques – no harsh chemicals or drugs – is one of the best ways to ensure you decrease your risk of cancer or other disease.

Doing things like eating a diet of real, whole, living foods, using specific herbs to help stimulate a detoxification reaction from your organs and clearing your body of emotional toxicity as well [A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.] – all play into creating the best chances for you to live long and healthy.

It’s not rocket science, but it also makes sense to know what the best protocols are before you go into a practice blindly – particular if your disease is serious like cancer.

The reason I’m explaining this to you, is because I’m excited about a unique online event that I found the other day that goes into depth about cancer and how you can decrease your chances of getting the disease using detoxification as well as how those who have it can learn about other options that are available.

The event is called the Healing Cancer World Summit and it is free to attend and requires NO travel – if you can listen to an MP3 or watch a YouTube video, you can be a part of it. Sign up for Free NOW!

Starting October 25th, 2011, 9 of the top natural cancer doctors and researchers will share what they’re doing in their clinics throughout the world to help stop inflammation – and hopefully in turn decrease the incidence of this awful disease.

This group of experts includes doctors, nutritionists, advocates and survivors – all in the same online forum – that will share their science, research and stories to share the options that are available that you may never have heard about.

Some of the 9 experts include Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez, Dr. Francisco Contreras, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, Dr. Thomas Lodi, Charlotte Gerson, Mike Adams, Burton Goldberg, and more. Combined, this group has had decades of experience working with cancer patients in their clinics.

You can register here now.

Not only will the event be covering detox protocols, you’ll also discover…

– Success rates that – in some cases – beat out conventional cancer therapies.

– How to stack the deck in your favor and do your best to prevent cancer.

– A unique treatment that brings the best of natural and conventional medical wisdom together.

– The best natural and integrative options for you and your budget.

– What the cancer industry doesn’t want you to know.

– How natural treatments work from a survivor’s perspective.

– And much more!

Remember, to listen in to this online event is completely free.

The event starts tomorrow, so be sure to sign up now. Also, the event is free, but if you’d like to have the recordings of this event in your own library there is a special option for you to purchase the downloads once you sign up.


When you register now, you’ll also get 3 special bonuses delivered to you right away.


P.S. The event registration is open until October 25th, but be sure to register early and you’ll get three special bonus gifts that you can access right away while you’re waiting for the kickoff.

Register now.