Genetically modified foods are no doubt the most dangerous to our health of all the adulterated “foods” available. As I’ve posted before, you can tell GM/GE produce by the number 8 at the beginning of it’s PLU code (a 5 digit code, beginning with 8. Organic produce has a 5 digit code beginning with 9. Conventionally grown – with herbicides, pesticides, etc. – has a 4 digit code.) But other food products do not have to disclose whether the ingredients are genetically modified/engineered.

Jeffery Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette,  is probably the most well-known figure for exposing the dangers of GM foods. He believes that consumers can quickly make a big difference in getting rid of these. It just takes education. Brochures are available on the health dangers of GM foods, as well as shopping tips for avoiding GMOs. (You can even download them for free.) Below is a great, highly informational video by Smith.

Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods from Jeffrey Smith on Vimeo.

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