Holiday Pricing on Bosch & Grain Mills

The Holidays are coming and I know what you’d like (well, many of you anyhow 🙂 And now is the time to get it, as the 2008 Holiday Special prices have just been announced. Treat yourself to an early gift and give your family the gift of great homemade Good for You – Naturally! foods. Or forward this to your dear husband as a hint for your Christmas list, or bookmark this page to return to after you’ve saved up for it. These prices are good through Dec. 31st (though supplies are limited, so may end before that).

bosch-combo-sale.jpgCombo Special – NutriMill and Universal Plus WITH blender: $599.99

“You wouldn’t buy a washer without a dryer….just as you wouldn’t want to buy a mixer without a mill! They go hand in hand”

Nutri-MillNutri Mill: $249.99

Universal PlusUniversal Plus AND blender: $399.99

Vital Mill: $179.99

Get more info on our Modern Maidservantsâ„¢ pages by clicking the names of the products above. Email me to order.

Love to have it, but afraid you’d not know what to do with it, and never use it? See my next post for a RedHouseBONUS FREE OFFER, just for YOU!

For Me and My House ~ At Jesus’ feet,
Lisa @ Me and My House ~ Discipleship for Life!
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