The NutriMill Classic and new NutriMill Mill make a great team! Use the NutriMill Classic, to grind your grains (wheat, oats, rice, etc.) and dry beans into flour. Use the NutriMill Mini to grind coffee beans and any other oily seeds or grains that cannot be milled with the NutriMill Classic. Coarse meal to fine pastry flour! This new L’Equip NutriMini Mill grinder is great for small batches of seeds, herbs, spices, or coffee beans. This solves the problem of grinding the oily seeds like flax that the larger L’Equip NutriMill Grain grinder cannot grind.
NutriMill Combo – Classic & Mini: $264.98 Sale $244.98
NutriMill only: Regular price $269.99 Sale $219.99
I will pay your shipping , when you order either of the above.
All prices subject to change without prior notice. (I will keep them updated as best as I’m given changes.)