What You Need to Know About Food and Your Health

FRN_BannerAd200x200_2016_1-3With all the promises out there of the latest greatest tips and hacks to increase your vitality and health, it turns out there’s one big thing to pay attention to that makes more of an impact than anything else:

Your food.

Join the Food Revolution Summit here and get the latest scientifically grounded breakthroughs.

If you care about your health, and if you want to know how certain foods can help you fight disease and increase vitality, I invite you to join me for this game-changing online event.

From April 30 – May 8, bestselling author John Robbins is personally interviewing 25 of the world’s top experts, scientists and celebrities in movements for healthy, sustainable, and delicious food.

You’ll hear from food and health experts like: Joel Fuhrman, MD; Michael Greger, MD; Neal Bernard, MD; Dean Ornish, MD; Chris Wark; and many more.

You’ll also get the latest breakthrough health tips to feel your best, sleep deeply, increase mental focus and lose weight. All while you discover how to support the health and longevity of your family and loved ones with the one thing we all love: food!

I’m excited about this important event. Will you join me at this free and online summit?

Find out more about the Food Revolution Summit

P.S. The food you eat daily is either hurting or healing your body. Get the latest news and insights from the top 25 doctors and food researchers on how to get “dialed in” on healing your body with food. So you can enjoy massive shifts in how you feel, your energy level and even your sleep.



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