What Water?

The Hallelujah Acres newsletter just came out with a great response to a recent Mercola article. On this one, I do and have all along, sided with the position that HA takes.

Recently, one of the most popular website health advocates in America wrote in his newsletter that “distilled water is more dangerous than tap water.”

After reading the article — and knowing that the information shared was far from accurate — I asked Michael Donaldson, PhD., Research Director here at Hallelujah Acres to respond. …

While there is a sliver of truth there, the whole article puts distilled water in a false light. Such health advocacy is irresponsible.  Here is the rest of the story…

Read the entire article here.

Bottom line, distillers with a post carbon filter (as most are made) produces the best water we can drink. If you feel the need to remineralize your water (with minerals more bioavailable than the rock minerals originally in the water) do as we’ve suggested for years, adding a few grains of brown rice to the container of water or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

For Me & My House,
Lisa @ Me & My House

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