Tagged – Seven Random Things About Me

Tracy tagged me for this. (Beautiful pics on your blog Tracy!)

7 Random or Weird Things About Me and 7 People are Tagged (at the end)

OK, everything about me is probably weird, but as to whether it’s stuff most people don’t know – that might be hard.

1. I love carbs. I’d come home after school in high school and eat a half loaf of bread in cinnamon toast. (That’s for all of you who know I am a whole foods – no refined grains or sugars person.)

2. I love nursing my babies. None of our 10 ever had a bottle.

3. I LOVE cloth diapers. I keep sewing more, different styles, even when all the old ones aren’t all worn out. I still have some of the first ones I made over 20 years ago.

4. I love my sheep skin “things”. I have “woolies” (lamb skins) for our babies and grandbabies (3 woolies at our house), woolie toys for the babies, a woolie under our sheets on our bed, and now slippers that I wear around the house all the time, and to run someone in the car if I don’t have to go in. I want sheep wool flip flops now.

5. I hate dirt and sweat. Even as a child, I’d change clothes if a bit got on them.

6. I hate sports. Can’t play any and don’t want to, and see no sense in wasting time watching them.

7. I hate one level houses, especially “ranch” style, newer houses.

Here are the rules:

* 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
* 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* 4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Tagged are:

Hmm, “every” blogger I “know” I either tagged on the last thing, or I’ve seen their names tagged for this already. So would 7 of you readers please just tag yourself and leave a comment below and a link to your post so others can read and meet you. (Or 14 of you – I just got a second tag by Jennifer on my home ed blog)

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