Green Smoothie Know-how

When making Green Smoothies, I rarely use a Recipe. I grab whatever we have on hand that sounds good. I aim to include a combination of more greens than fruits. Some recommend 40% fruit 60% greens, and for beginners to start with a reversal of this percentage, 60% fruit 40% greens, then work up to the other way around. If even “40% greens” is too much for you to begin with, start with less and gradually work your way up. In real life, this is not a “science”, we’re talking close to equal amounts, a little more, a little less.  I say, just put in 2-3 fruits and a couple large handfuls of greens, to fill your blender up, starting with just 1 large handful if you need to.

The other “rule” is to have a variety. It is important to “rotate” your greens (and fruits), and not have the same one every day. However, I acknowledge that 1) when beginning to eat more Greens, people usually prefer the more mild tasting ones. 2) when shopping in local grocery stores, it may be next to impossible to find much variety that is organic (and remember lettuce is one of the “Dirty Dozen”.) Baby Spinach is very mild and easy to find organic, so it is most often included by “newbies”. However, we encourage you to branch out. Romaine is also usually available organic. (It’s not one of my faves in Smoothies though, but maybe it will be yours.) Baby Spring mix is the other kind of lettuces that is easier to find organic. Kale is also commonly used in Green Smoothies, but may not be easy to find organic.

In addition to your fruits and greens, you can also include other add-ins. Fresh almond milk, almond butter, other nuts, flax, chia or other seeds, raw coconut oil, raw nut or goat milk yogurt, carob powder, or “superfoods”.

Learn more about Green Smoothies in Green Goodness ~ A Freedom & Simplicity™ Guide to Green Smoothies.

Have fun creating your favorite Green Smoothie today!


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