The Milk Police?

“How can government dictate what we choose to eat when we each have unique standards for good nutrition?” Although I believe many could care less about good nutrition, as most believe food only needs to taste good to the eater to qualify for a trip down the gullet, I certainly agree with this rhetorical (or not) question. The government has no business what-so-ever dictating what we can and cannot eat.


The article this quote was taken from is about a recent raw milk “sting” operation by our government agencies, The Freedom to Buy and Sale Raw Milk. I encourage you to read it, and the other articles on Raw Milk at the Lew Rockwell site. I haven’t read the others yet, but guessing they’ll be good too.


If you haven’t heard about the raid on the Amish milk farm, here’s a link about the “year long” sting operation on them.


And a note about legislation introduced by Ron Paul in May to allow distribution of raw milk. From the article: “No matter what one’s personal position is on the issue of consuming dairy products, the freedom to buy and sell raw milk is a fundamental right afforded to every American under the US Constitution.”


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