Non Cooking Fun

Yesterday was a light lessons day, so a friend came over to "watch" me in the kitchen. It’s always more fun to work in the kitchen with someone else. On my list for the day was not-milk and granola. (My dd and I had made cinnamon rolls the night before. Mm-mmm. Great breakfast!)

I tried a bit different sweetener for the not-milk, using just a bit of raw honey and maple syrup. (I’m running low on dates.) Tastes great – judging by the children drinking glasses of it.

On an email list I’m on, a lady recommended making Cashew milk. I haven’t tried that one before, but I didn’t have any cashews to do it. So next time I buy cashews I plan to. I’ll let you know how it rates with our others we’ve taste tested.

The granola turned out great too. The kids were snitching it off the dehydrator as I put in on to dry, and throughout the drying, and again as I was taking it off the dehydrator. I’ll be sure to schedule its recipe for a future Friday Food post.

My friend also brought me a bowl of fresh tomatoes to add to the few from my garden, along with our jalapenos, to make some salsa. I got a large batch made yesterday, to go in the freezer. Well, whatever we don’t eat by this afternoon will go to the freezer in pints. Dh was pleased – although, "you could add more jalapenos." But he’d say that no matter how many I put in. But the flavor was good, and it’s hot enough, but not too hot for the children. I’ll be sure to throw an extra jalapeno in one of the jars for him.

I love it when food prep efforts are enjoyed and appreciated. It was a good day.

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