Food Allergies

There has been a great increase* in food allergies in recent history and many are linking them to additives and modifications to our food sources. "Scientifically" the jury is still out on some, but we don’t need an undeniable "scientific link" to know when our body functions and feels better and doesn’t.

In addition to food allergies, in which the immune system has an immediate response, there are also far more food sensitivities, when the bodily changes can happen more slowly.

How can you best avoid foods that cause allery or sensitivity responses?

"O’Brien recommends that people throw out their nonorganic, processed, genetically modified, artificially created, or hormone-laced food."

Frankly, that is a great start. Adulterated foods are usually the culprits, and their effects go far beyond immediate allergic reactions, and milder sensitivities. They tear down our health in many ways.

In addition to the chemical additives, (in both growing and producing,) other processes can be the culprit too. Pasteurization of milk renders many unable to tolerate it. Although even without pasteurization, cow’s milk is highly mucous producing and a tearer down of our health. Dairy is one of the top three food allergens. But some people with dairy allergies are able to tolerate raw dairy products far better then pasteurized.

Along with dairy products, wheat is another of the top 3 allergens. Many people who are unable to tolerate wheat are able to eat Kamut and Spelt (non-hybrids) without problems. But for some gluten, no matter how pure the form, is intolerable.

Soy is the other of the top 3 food allergens. I wonder with all the rap soy is taking if this is a plate of cooked soy beans, or all the modified soy food "products", that people are allergic too. Soy, as a cooked bean is rarely eaten in America. But soy products abound.

I still agree with "O’Brien" quoted above. Get a pure food source and see what happens in your body. If you still have problems, remove one (or all) of the top 3 offenders. In fact, even if you don’t suspect food allergies or "sensitivities" follow O’Brien’s advise anyhow. Your body will love you for it.

*note: hospitalizations for food allergies have increased 400% in the UK since 1990.

For Me and My House ~ At Jesus’ feet,
Lisa @ Me and My House ~ Discipleship for Life!
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2 Responses to Food Allergies

  1. Melissa says:

    After reading for awhile, I’m convinced that my son’s peanut allergy, and the ever-increasing, rampant spread of the peanut allergy, stems from the genetic modification of the peanut crop. This is something that folks just don’t take into account because they don’t hear about it. I think that’s why people are starting to develop corn allergies.

    Melissa (use to be

  2. Laura says:

    Nice articles!!!!
    Containing all information about allergies symptoms and why does it occur.Also you have provided some remedies to control allergies.
    Thanks for such an informative articles.