2 Responses to Celebrating Passover

  1. Joie says:

    Hey Lisa,
    Hope ya’ll had a blessed Pesach. We also celebrate Passover. You need to meet Joanne Cameron. She’s a messianic Jew who is a member of LGR. She’s a real hoot!!!! It was fun acting silly with you at UHSE….and thanks again for the great freebies and the gifts you gave out. You’re a sweetie….and no I’m not spitting any spitwads atcha. (at least not right now!) We’re now counting the Omer waiting for Pentecost! I think our favorite feast/festival is Tabernacles (Shavuot)! Do you also celebrate all the feasts? Isn’t it cool?!?!?! The modern church doesn’t know what fun it’s missing! Well, it’s getting late and I have to take Mom to the dr. in the morning. Be blessed, Shalom, Joie

  2. Hi Joie,

    Thanks for coming on over. We do celebrate all the feasts, but all the “celebrations” aren’t as festival as others. IOW, we don’t always get all the “activities” done for them, but we do remember them, at least talking about them as we rise up, walk along the way, sit at home, and lie down – so our children will know the mighty works of God and His Story as He points to our Messiah.

    Passover this year ended up kind of like that. After the build up it was a bit of a let down. Lamb didn’t come in, and dh had to go to work. 🙁 Oh well, we celebrated Christ our Passover.

    You are SO RIGHT. The modern church doesn’t know what it is missing. Great understanding of their Christ.