Raw Cashew Milk – Friday Food

fridayfood2.jpgThis week we tried a new not-milk. I’d heard that Cashew Milk is good, and realized that in all our experiments we hadn’t tried it yet. So we did. And it was.

Here’s the SIMPLE recipe we used.

Raw Cashew Milk

Soak 3/4 c. raw cashews in plenty of water to cover for 4-6 hours (or overnight). Put into filter cup of SoyaJoy Milk Maker, and attach cup to motor head.

Add pure water to the fill line in the SoyaJoy (aprox. 6 cups) and place motor on it and plug in.

Do NOT hit Start. Push the MOTOR button FOUR times, (listen for the beep 4 times) THEN push Start. (We do not want the machine to go through the Heat cycle, as we want raw not-milk.)

The machine will go through a few grind and rest cycles for just a few minutes, and then your Raw Cashew Milk will be done! Strain, if you like, and Chill. See other ideas for “additions” to your not-milks here.

You can also make not-milks in your blender, see more info here.

Here’s what we found. Cashews, make a nice creamy not-milk. It has a slight nutty taste, more so than almond, but still mild. Being a soft nut, cashews break down more so than other nuts and grains, so there was very little “sediment” in our strainer. But more in our not-milk container after sitting a while.

I didn’t add anything to this batch, as we were mainly pouring it over Sweet Rice – and I  made a cup of not-coffee cappacino with it. (Recipe another day. If I don’t get this posted NOW, it won’t be Friday.)  🙂

For Me and My House ~ At Jesus’ feet,
Lisa @ Me and My House ~ Discipleship for Life!
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